Tuesday, 31 December 2019

054 - David Gruhl An Aussie Podiatrist In The UK

David Gruhl is a Queensland University of Technology graduate. Upon graduation, he worked in a Cycling and Podiatry shop in Brisbane, who were the developers of the Cobra9 Carbon cycling Orthotics, and for the past two years, he has been working in the UK. 

Also in 2017, with Scott Greenbank (Episode 030) he began Bridge The Gap as a way of providing continuing education courses that weren't available at the time. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Starting his career at a cycling shop
  • Cobra 9 Cycling orthotics
  • Skills he learnt working in a retail setting and following strict quality standards
  • Key differences working in the UK & Australia
  • Why he is starting a Masters 
  • Bridge the Gap
  • P20 Podiatry Conference - changing the way conferences are run. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with David at davidgruhl@gmail.com 

Podiatry Business Coaching 

If you and your podiatry business need help with marketing and business systems, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can help, or visit the coaching and mentoring section of my website

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my next PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 

Next Event  - Podiatry Marketing Workshop, Saturday, February 15th November, Gold Coast 

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Consider A Podcast Review

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Ep 049 - Andrew Van Essen Volunteering Is A Great Career Move

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T.

Check out this episode!

Monday, 23 December 2019

053 - Dave Cashley Making Sense of Neuroma Research

Dave Cashley owns Dundee Podiatry Clinic in Scottland. He has a special interest in lower extremity manipulation, and this interest has led Dave to publish and lecture extensively on this particular topic. He is now studying toward a PhD. 

His research is based around the treatment of neuromas, doing a parallel study of manual therapy versus steroid injections.

The Best Thing About Neuromas

You don’t need any fancy kit to diagnose or treat it, other professionals stay away from it, and no one outside of podiatry gets good results. 

It's a common, debilitating problem, and we can make a big difference in people’s lives. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Other treatment modalities and why Dave leaned towards manual therapy
  • Clinical biases - Are the results you’re getting in the clinic a fluke or the real deal.
  • Biased questioning to patients
  • Dave explains how research questions differ from what we would typically ask in a clinical situation
  • Minimal patient contact during research
  • How manual therapy became an interest and his connection with other podiatrists in this area
  • Why podiatrists should be making a decent income regardless of their area of interest. "If you have a paupers mentality, you will make a paupers wage". 
  • If you’re struggling to make money, you need to get a mentor, and you need to change your mindset. "To find your destination you've got to get on the right bus". 

Final Tip:

If you do not love life as a podiatrist have a look around and make some changes. Podiatry is one of the greatest professions on the planet. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Dave Cashley on Facebook and email him at info@dundeepodiatry.com

Business Coaching & Mentoring (I'm not for everyone)

If your podiatry business needs help with marketing and business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you. BUT, I'll be perfectly honest I'm not for everyone. 

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 

Next Event  - Podiatry Marketing Workshop, Saturday, February 15th November, Gold Coast 

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Consider A Podcast Review

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Ep 048 - Rapid Business Expansion with Dr Patrick McEneaney 

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Episode 194: I Just Got Laid Off Before Christmas & It Was Awesome with Nick Goblirsch

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

052 - Mary-Ellen Redmayne 2019 Queensland Young Businesswoman of The Year

Mary-Ellen is a mother, a wife and a businesswoman. She owns the Foot Stop Podiatry Services – a mobile podiatry business creating waves in Australia. She was named 2019 Queensland Young Businesswoman of the Year – and is not yet 30 years old.

She has accomplished more than the average and sharing with us today her steps to sustainable success and rapid growth.

How To Build A Business (& A Life)

  1. Being confident enough to be YOURSELF: Success comes when you start being yourself and not what you think you should be. You will also better aligned with your referrers. 
  2. Building a strong referral base: Starts with building a relationship first, and meetings with your referrers should take priority over your patients. 
  3. Growing a like-minded team: Be upfront with your expectations right from the start. If they are not like-minded, they will not last.

"You can teach clinical skills, but you cannot teach personality". 

We also discuss:

  • The benefits of entering business awards
  • Viewing the big picture of your business
  • work does sometimes take priority over your family
  • Saying YES to opportunities when they arise

Final Tip:

We're all on the same journey, and none of us has it all figured out. And, it's important to redefine what success is, it's not always financial.

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Mary-Ellen at info@thefootstop.com.au or  

Business Coaching & Mentoring (I'm not for everyone)

If your podiatry business needs help with marketing and business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you. BUT, I'll be perfectly honest I'm not for everyone. 

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 


Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Consider A Podcast Review

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Ep 048 - Rapid Business Expansion with Dr Patrick McEneaney 

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Episode 160 - 11 Reasons To Enter Business Awards 

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

051 - Ian Griffiths & Craig Payne Pod Chat Live Braintrust

Ian Griffiths is a London based Podiatrist, and Craig Payne resides in Melbourne, Australia. In October 2017, while Craig was visiting Ian in the UK, he had an idea, "let's do a Facebook LIVE video and see what happens". To their surprise, it was well-received and so began Pod Chat LIVE.

Initially, it was a weekly show, but due to time restraints, it is now produced monthly. Still, with over 60 hours of video recordings, there's sure to be something interesting for every podiatrist.

On this episode we discuss:

  • The reason for starting Pod Chat Live in October 2017
  • How people consume information is changing and why we need to change with the times
  • Why the show went from video on Facebook and YouTube to a podcast show
  • It's a FREE resource - "I’m sorry if you do not like the show, would you like your money back". 
  • Positive reinforcement 
  • Fear of public speaking
  • Craig Payne's - Podiatry CPD Academy 
  • Ian Griffiths - Sports Podiatry Info
  • Niching works 

Final Tip

Ian - Listen to Pod Chat Live, it’s never been easier to have information at your fingertips. 

Craig - Don’t drink the Kool-Aid or jump on the bandwagons that other people are falling for. 

"Be an excellent critical thinker with a certain level of healthy scepticism". 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Ian and Craig via their Pod Chat Live website or Facebook Page. 

Business Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you. BUT, I'll be perfectly honest I'm not for everyone. 

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 


Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Ep 021 - Drs Todd Brennan & Leo Krawetz Are YouTube Legends

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 188 - Developing Your Avatar & Unique Selling Proposition with Alex Frees

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

050 - Margaryta Chos True Grit & Determination

Margaryta Chos is a Ukrainian refugee, who now resides in Glasgow, Scottland, and her story is an inspiration and example of what true grit and determination can achieve. She is a former Ukranian Army lieutenant, current Fitness Model & Body Builder, Super Mum and successful Youtuber, and while doing all this, she managed to obtain her Podiatry degree. 

Ryta decided to challenge herself by taking up bodybuilding. She saw other people in the gym doing it and thought, 'I can do that', and within a few short years went on to place 5th in Britain in the Fitness Model category.  

On this episode we discuss:

  • Fear, doubts and self-esteem 
  • Discipline helps you achieve far more 
  • Why bodybuilding became an addiction
  • Social media trolls
  • Balancing her life and studying podiatry. It's all about managing time
  • The importance of giving back to the community 
  • Creating Youtube videos for herself and where she works at Foot Medic in the UK

Final Tip

Always grab every opportunity that comes your way and try to say yes in ways of personal and professional growth. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Margaryta Chos at Foot Medic

Business Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you. BUT, I'll be perfectly honest, I'm not for everyone. 

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my podiatry marketing workshops and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Ep 021 - Drs Todd Brennan & Leo Krawetz Are YouTube Legends

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 188 - Developing Your Avatar & Unique Selling Proposition with Alex Frees

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

049 - Andrew Van Essen Volunteering Is A Great Career Move

Andrew Van Essen is a Podiatric Surgeon based in South Australia, and he has visited Japan over thirty times, Vietnam more often than most and has travelled extensively around the world spreading the podiatry message.

Travelling abroad didn't happen by accident; doors to the world opened through volunteering. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • His early career and graduation with two previous Podiatry Legends guests, Simon Bartold and Ted Jedynak. 
  • His path into surgery
  • In business you are going to make good and bad decisions - "Goodwill is not something you buy, it's something that is handed over to you by the previous owner". 
  • Some brilliant advice from his Lawyer
  • Teaching biomechanics and sports medicine in Japan
  • Judo Therapy 
  • His surgical trips treating clubfoot in Vietnam 
  • Volunteering may not be financially rewarding, but it is very satisfying 
  • Finding a balance between your business, career, and what you love to do. 

Final Tip:

Follow your passion; don’t get locked into any particular area of podiatry. Always look at the bigger, broader picture, not just the here and now. Take a long-term global view with your career. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Andrew Van Essen at Prospect Podiatry

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you. 

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my marketing and small business EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with rubbish. 

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Ep 010: Dr Andrew Schneider Running A Successful Solo Practice

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 188 - Developing Your Avatar & Unique Selling Proposition with Alex Frees

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

048 - Rapid Business Expansion with Dr Patrick McEneaney

If you want to scale and grow your podiatry business, you've got to make decisions fast, and Dr Patrick McEneaney has done just that. He has expanded his Northern Illinois Foot & Ankle Specialists podiatry business from one to five in just a few short years, but as he explains, opportunities are all around us you've just got to be prepared to jump on them when they arise.  

If you sit and stare at something for too long, you can make it look both good and bad. 

Dr Patrick McEneaney is not just business-focused either; he also commits a lot of time giving back to the podiatry profession. He is currently the President of the Illinois Podiatry Medical Association

On this episode we discuss:

  • How he started his first podiatry business, and how the next four came after that. 
  • Good timing and good marketing 
  • Why putting on local seminars, lunch and learns and breakfasts help increase his referrals 
  • Why you've got to tell people what you do in your practice. 
  • There's no such thing as a bad conversation; you can always learn something from everyone you meet.
  • Sharing your failures with others
  • Why he meets every year with other podiatrists for mastermind meetings.
  • The benefits of making quick decisions
  • Why you shouldn't expand too early and overextend yourself.

Two questions he asks his team members:

  1. What's your favourite thing you like about working here?
  2. What else do you need from me to make your work easier?

Final Business Tips:

  1. Find good people to work with you
  2. Talk with people who have already been through the experience and don't try to rewrite the book if you don't have to.
  3. Hire slowly and fire quickly: Don't keep bad employees longer than you need to. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Dr Patrick McEneaney at drmceneaney@illinoisfoot.com 

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website or online, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Ep 010: Dr Andrew Schneider Running A Successful Solo Practice

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 188 - Developing Your Avatar & Unique Selling Proposition with Alex Frees

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

047 - Ben & Sally Haythornthwaite Why Podiatry Is Exciting

Ben and Sally Haythornthwaite are a husband and wife team running a UK based podiatry business called The Foot and Ankle Clinic

Ben is the podiatrist, with a previous employment history of engineering and architecture, and Sally has a background in marketing, brand psychology and management. They have put these previous skills and life experiences together and are becoming a formidable team. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • How Bens past work experience has shaped his career
  • Why they changed their business name
  • Why all foot issues relate to underlying biomechanical issues
  • There's a wealth of knowledge in the profession, and we should be tapping into it
  • All marketing is interconnected
  • Branding is more than just a logo
  • Being an architect has taught Ben to push boundaries, and boundaries need challenging because they are man-made limitations
  • Why you should attend events
  • Why podiatry is so much more exciting than other professions

Final Tip

Sally - Find a niche in podiatry you enjoy and go with it. 

Ben - Get motivated and don't be afraid to fail. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Ben 7 Sally at The Foot & Ankle Clinic.  

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website or online, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Episode 038 - Dr Tea Nguyen Life Changes & Practice Ownership

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 188 - Developing Your Avatar & Unique Selling Proposition with Alex Frees

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

046 - William Kuang The Podiatry Sensei & Master Mentor

When it comes to owning a successful podiatry business, you need to surround yourself with a great team. Still, a great team does not happen by accident; it happens when you have protocols in place to identify the right team members for the business supported by an outstanding, well thought out mentoring process. 

My guest today William Kuang, from the Adelaide Heel Pain Clinic and SA Running Injury Clinic has done just that, developed a podiatry team of winners.

He has used his background as an elite national Karate champion to instil discipline in himself and the people he works with. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Moving to Melbourne to follow his MSK goals upon graduation
  • Creating a podiatry niche
  • Looking for team members that fit your business culture
  • Filling skill gaps that your business may be missing 
  • The importance of great mentorship and why time needs to be blocked out in your diary to make sure it happens.
  • Mentorship is a priority
  • His international Karate career and how this has shaped his podiatry career and made him a great teacher 
  • Confidence, discipline and mindset are all success traits 
  • Why losing helps you become a humble winner
  • As a business owner, you have got to lead by example
  • The business will only grow when the business owner grows



"Never compare yourself to other people, just compare yourself to yesterday". 


If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with William by emailing him at the Adelaide Heel Pain Clinic or SA Running Injury Clinic

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

Order My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website or online, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Episode 030 - Scott Greenbank Bridging The Gap

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Episode 185: Having A Positive Mindset with Somnath Sikdar & Lonnie Beck

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Developing Passion & Culture in Your Podiatry Business with Drs Peyman & Viedra Elison

When it comes to running a successful podiatry business, it is vital to find your passion, surround yourself with the right team, and develop a mindset of success by associating with like-minded positive people. 

Drs Peyman & Viedra Elison are a dynamic podiatry team that own Fixing Feet Institute in Surprise, Arizona. I recently spent three days with them in Tempe, Arizona at Business Black Ops, which is a high-level mastermind group. 

I've wanted to get them on the Podiatry Legends Podcast for some time, so while I had them together in Arizona, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to capture their thought of podiatry business success. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Choosing to live in different states to pursue their podiatry careers. 
  • Working on an Indian Reservation in Arizona and how this has shaped Viedra's career and passion for diabetes and limb salvage.
  • Peyman's passion for paediatric biomechanics, foot deformities and peripheral nerve surgery.
  • Associates and culture problems - "Some people are just not trainable". 
  • Why continuing medical education is essential, but if you want to grow a successful business and life, you've got to attend business and marketing events. 
  • You need a positive mindset to bring it all together. 

Viedra's Tip:

In the early part of your career, focus on your education, not your location. You need to get out of your comfort zone. 

Peyman's Tip:

Find a niche market, something you enjoy and hone in on it. And if you feel you're in a rut, start hanging out with new people. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com  

One-On-One Coaching

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching. Please email me and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Episode 185: Having A Positive Mindset with Somnath Sikdar & Lonnie Beck

Order My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website or online, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.


Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

028: The Definition of Success in Podiatry with Craig Schooth

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

044 - Podiatry Success Is A Mindset with Jonathan Small

Jonathan Small is a UK based podiatrist and also a previous guest, Ep 006 - Work Smarter, Not Harder. I was privileged to watch Jonathan give an excellent presentation on MINDSET at the OSGO Foot & Ankle Show in Liverpool and I immediately thought, WOW, we need to talk about mindset on this podcast.  

Jonathon quickly points out that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve but you have to be prepared to put in the work, and this needs to be backed up by a positive attitude. 

On this episode we discuss: 

  • Why Jonathon decided not to be a sheep
  • Making a 'Positive Mindset' the norm and not the niche
  • Many podiatrists lack mentorship and confidence in their early career, which can lead to the wrong mindset
  • Why it's important for the profession to prosper so it looks appealing to the next generation of kids. 

"Positive changes happen in your career and personal life when you’re mindset changes". 

  • Why some podiatrist use excuses to create a mindset of poverty.
  • Why it's easy to find evidence to back up a negative mindset if that's what you're searching for.
  • You need to get out of your own way. 
  • Enjoying the growth mindset journey and don't compare yourself to others. What you see if just a 'snapshot' of their success. 
  • Working through pain-points in your career. 
  • Team mindset will never outgrow the mindset of the business owner 

Where To Start

First, you need to reach out to others who will challenge you and celebrate your small wins and achievements.

Next, attend conferences and find groups of people that have similar interests to you. 

Attend small group workshops as negative people tend to stay away from these because there's nowhere to hide. 

Read - Who Moved My Cheese by Dr Spencer Johnson 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can contact Jonathan Small at Health First Foot & Gait Clinic. To learn more about his Work Smarter, Not Harder program, visit OSGO Healthcare 

One-On-One Coaching

If your podiatry business needs help to develop a marketing strategy or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Episode 185: Having A Positive Mindset with Somnath Sikdar & Lonnie Beck

Order My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website or online, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:


028: The Definition of Success in Podiatry with Craig Schooth

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

043 - Foot & Ankle Show LIVERPOOL UK

This episode is a review of OSGO's Foot & Ankle Show, Liverpool, UK. It took place on the 11th and 12th of October 2019, and over the two days, more than one thousand registered attendees were educated, inspired and entertained.

I managed to grab a few of the podiatry delegates to share their thoughts and experiences in regards to the quality of speakers and the content provided over the two days.   

Episode Guests:

  • Dave Cashley (Speaker)
  • Ben Haythornthwaite
  • Ian Sadler
  • Tom Fox
  • Vienna Warwick-Richards
  • David Gruhl
  • Graeme Franklin
  • Robin Crawley
  • Ian Griffiths
  • Paul Savage
  • Debbie Delves
  • Tony Gavin (OSGO)

What Is The Foot & Ankle Show?

The Foot and Ankle show is the event where practitioners, educators and manufacturers come together. The show informs, influences and shines a light on the innovation changing how care is delivered. Attendance is important for everyone in the foot and ankle health industry.

Tickets are NOW available for next years event (16th and 17th of October, 2020). For further details visit fashow.co.uk 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com

For more information on my upcoming Podiatry Marketing Events, please visit www.tysonfranklin.com/events 

If you enjoy this podcast series, please tell your podiatry friends, and if you get the urge to leave a review, please do, it will put a massive smile on my face. 

Thank you.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

042 - Dr Ozar Amin Investing in Podiatry with Pods Equity

Dr Oz is a Podiatric surgeon based in Sydney. After receiving his surgical qualifications, he became a sessional lecturer at WSU and then at CQU, then in late 2017, the idea of having all Podiatrists work collaboratively to strengthen the industry and the individual, led to the formation of the now registered co-operative Pods Equity.



Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

041 - Dr Alan Sherman PRESENT e-Learning Systems

In 1995, Dr Alan Sherman, DPM founded the first online community and website for podiatry, Podiatry Online, which grew to become the largest internet community for podiatrists in the world. At its peak, two-thirds of licensed podiatrists in the United States were members. 

Podiatry Online was acquired by Moore Medical, in 2000, and Alan was employed along with partner Michael Shore, DPM as a consultant to continue running the site. Moore Medical was eventually acquired by McKesson in 2002. 

After this aquisition Drs. Sherman and Shore were let go by the compnay and they went on to found PRESENT e-Learning Systems, a Medical Education and Communications Company in 2004,  which has grown to be the largest provider of online CME education services for podiatrists. 

PRESENT e-Learning Systems entered the live conferences business in 2006 and now puts on 6 live medical conferences a year, serving over 3000 attendees.

On this episode we discuss:

  • His first computer purchase in 1982
  • Getting into publishing in 1995 with Podiatry Online
  • Moving away from practrice management and focusing on medical education
  • Weekly News-Flash
  • Starting their own conferences in 2007
  • Why it's important to attend conferences both in and outside of podiatry 
  • Looking for trends
  • Narrowcasting (Bill Gates), publish to small interest groups (3000 versus 300,000)
  • Creating a niche and finding a niche 
  • Practice Management and Biomechanics two most popular subjects 

"You’re well served to find a small pond and be a big fish."

Final words

E-Leraning is an efficient way to educate yourself because you'll alwasy have that half-hour spare during the day were you can watch a video and educate yuorself. When you sign up to PRESENT Learning at podiatry.com you receive a $40 credit. 

If you have any questions about the podcast episode, please send me an email at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or connect with Dr Alan Sherman at PRESENT e-LearningIf you want to know more about my upcoming Marketing Workshops in Australia and overseas, please visit my EVENTS page.  

And if you enjoy this podcast series, please tell your podiatry friends and if you get the urge to leave a review, please do. 

Thank you!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

040 - Dr Michael Graham is The Entrepreneurial Podiatrist

Have you ever had an idea that could change the Podiatry profession? Dr Michael Graham has had a lot of ideas, and instead of just sitting back and wondering 'what if', he has taken action and turned them into reality. He is a serial entrepreneur. 

He is an innovator and implementor in the field of foot and ankle medicine and surgery. He has taken a concept and transformed it into the standard of care globally.

Dr Graham is the founder of GraMedica and the inventor of the HyProCure Sinus Tarsi Stent. HyProCure®, an Extra-Osseous TaloTarsal Stabilization (EOTTS) Device.


GraMedica is a global orthopedic company specialising in foot and ankle products.

Michael Graham has published numerous scientific papers, authored chapters in surgical textbooks, and lectures throughout the world on extra-osseous talotarsal stabilisation and is the author of a new book titled, The Myths of Plantar Fasciitis

"No matter how good your orthotic is, it cannot Realign the talus and prevent all the STJ instability". 
If you want to learn more, attend an event or connect with Dr Michael Graham, here are his other website:

If you have any questions about the podcast episode, please send me an email at tf@tysonfranklin.com. If you want to know more about my upcoming Marketing Workshops in Australia and overseas, please visit my EVENTS page.  

And if you enjoy this podcast series, please tell your podiatry friends.

Thank you!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

039 - Tyson E Franklin INTERVIEWED by Scott Greenbank

Since starting this podcast, I've had a few podiatrists say they want to know more about me, THE HOST, and my response was, "There's not much to tell".   

One particular podiatrist, Scott Greenbank, Founder of the Bridge The Gap Facebook page wouldn't take NO for an answer, and this episode is the result. I hope this episode doesn't disappoint. 

Today we discuss:

  • Why I chose podiatry
  • What I've seen change over the past 30-years
  • Where I see the profession in the next five to ten years
  • How technology is changing the way we practice
  • Why corporates won't take over the profession
  • Podiatry Specialities 
  • The 'Power of Niching'
  • My biggest mistakes and challenges
  • The importance of insurance 
  • Power of Systems
  • Advice for new graduates
  • Why you need to look after your TEAM and trust them
  • MENTORSHIP - Best Tips for graduates and employers
  • Honouring contracts

If you have any questions about the podcast episode, please send me an email at tf@tysonfranklin.com. If you want to know more about my upcoming Marketing Workshops in Australia and overseas, please visit my EVENTS page.  

Thank you! 


Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

038 - Dr Tea Nguyen Life Changes & Practice Ownership

Dr Tea Nguyen owns Pacific Point Podiatry in Santa Cruz, California and has a special interest in diabetic limb salvage. She opened her solo practice in August 2018, which has a revived her love for podiatry.

She never planned on owning her own podiatry business, but after falling pregnant her employer didn't respond favourably to her needs, so after having her daughter Vylet she was given very little choice but to work for herself. 

'Having a child is not like having a pet. There's a lot more forward-thinking required". 

On this episode we discuss:
  • How she fell into her practice
  • Positive changes after having a child 
  • Her passion for diabetic foot care
  • Seeing a need and filling a gap in the market
  • Being an anti-micromanager: you've got to let people make decisions and learn from their errors. 

"What do you want to learn? If it does not come to you, you need to go and search for the information yourself". 

BIGGEST surprise having own business
Tea was surprised by how much she enjoys having her own practice and how happy it has made her. As an employee, she struggled to get out of bed in the morning, but as a business owner, this is no longer the case. 
"I only know what I know and I don’t know what I don’t know, so I never have a problem telling a patient to get a second opinion". 
Final Tip
If you’re in a situation that is not in your favour, you’ll find renewed purpose by opening your own business. 
If Drtea_podiatry


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

037 - Dr Howard Dananberg Pronation Paradigm Shift

Dr Howard Dananberg practised in Manchester, New Hampshire until 2012 when he retired. He has received numerous awards for his work on sagittal plane biomechanics, and he redefined how we viewed pronation. 

Throughout his career, Dr Dananberg never stopped questioning what he saw with his patients and through his own funded research, he developed the Kinetic Wedge used by Brooks Footwear, and also the VASYLI Dananberg orthotics. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • The early ’80s and in-shoe pressure analysis and how it made him start questioning the status quo and what we believed to be right on podiatric biomechanics 
  • Private practice and funding his research 
  • The moment he started realising that headaches and back pain may be related to gait. "I don’t think anyone is thinking about this". 
  • How the FF drives the RF
  • Metatarsus Limitus, not Hallux Limitus 
  • Pronation Paradyime shift
  • Problems with traditional orthotic design
  • His new company - www.insolia.com
  • Walking is about pulling, not pushing. The body is pulled forward; therefore, the term 'propulsion phase' is wrong. 
  • Saggital Plane Motion. If you only watch someone walk down a hallway, you miss so much. 



Final Tip (38:40 - 39)

When you say 'aha' I’ve got it, you’ve just shut your mind off to all the other possibilities that might exist down the road.

But if you say 'oooh', that's one way, you’ve opened your mind up to the many other possibilities and things to be discovered over time. 

If you have any questions about this podcast episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Dr Howard Danaberg at hdananberg@gmail.com 

One-On-One Coaching

If your podiatry business needs help to develop a marketing plan or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one business coaching. Please email me and let's see where I can you.  

Subscribe To My Newsletter

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Episode 022 with Psychologist Dr David Weiman 

Order My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website or online, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

004 - Simon Bartold Developing A Career in Biomechanics & Footwear

Dr Dananberg's Current Speaking Gigs

Dr Dananberg will be speaking at the AAPSM in Cambridge, Mass in September. The New York College of Podiatric Medicine for the Richard O. Schuster Memorial Seminar in early November, and the World Congress of Podiatry in Miami in mid-November.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

036 - Sean Pincus Diagnosis Dictates Management

Sean Pincus is from Cape Town, South Africa, and he has spent the past thirty years honing his skills in the area of sports podiatry and orthotic design.

Sean understands why communication and psychology are so crucial to the management and treatment outcomes of his patient's foot and lower limb problems. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Why he was initially disillusioned with podiatry until he understood what it is we do for people
  • Changes in orthotic design over the past thirty years and the changes in biomechanical theory 
  • How do you get a patient to take control and responsibility of their foot problem? It’s not your fault; it’s their fault.
  • Psychology of handling patients

"LOOK BEYOND THE FOOT there’s a squishy thing above it called a person". 

  • What to say to who, when and how. It all comes down to experience
  • The importance of new graduates having an excellent mentoring system and learning how to ask the right questions 
  • University only teaches generalised questioning. It's not good enough. 
  • Digging Deeper: Learn to follow a pathway of questioning to get to the information quickly
  • The benefits of asking the same question twice. You often get different answers. 
  • You will gather even more information if you read your notes back to the patient. Then start your examination. 
  • Why jumping to early diagnosis conclusions is dangerous
  • Is what your being told match watch you’re finding in your examination? 

"Diagnoses Dictates Management"

If you rush through the consultation too fast, without asking the right questions, you will also rush to a diagnosis. Rushed consults may lead to treatment failure, which results in unhappy patients and potential social media negative reviews. 

You often have to get these patients back for further assessment, so in the end, you're spending time with them that you should have done from the start. 

If you have any questions about this podcast episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Sean Pincus via his website PodiatristCapeTown.co.za  

One-On-One Coaching

If your podiatry business needs help to develop a marketing plan or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one business coaching. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.  

Subscribe To My Newsletter

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Episode 022 with Psychologist Dr David Weiman 

Order My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website or online, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

023 - Tina Rainville Extremes & Efficiency 



Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

035 - Ian Reilly Discusses Podiatric Surgery in The UK

Ian Reilly is a consultant Podiatric Surgeon in Northhampton, UK. He is also an expert witness when it comes to podiatric medico-legal cases. When he's not consulting as a podiatric surgeon, you'll probably find him with a fishing rod in his hand. 

On This Episode We Discuss:

  • The influence of social media and why people need to know, like and trust you.  
  • The obstacles he faced building his career as a surgeon
  • Being an advisor on IFAF with Dr Dock Dockery (Episode 032)
  • His thoughts on the title Dr and other claims 
  • Why social media is a great tool for educating your patients, but sometimes it may be 'education masquerading as self-promotion'
  • Being an Expert Witness
  • Why not every surgery goes to plan. Patients can die. 
  • Duty of care

If you have any questions about this podcast episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Ian Reilly at info@podsurgeon.co.uk or socially on Twitter & Instagram @ireillypod  

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If you currently own a podiatry business, the most efficient way to grow your business is with a one-on-one business coach or mentor. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.  

Subscribe To My Newsletter

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T. My most recent episode is EP 176: The Art of Blogging with Lee Huffman

Order My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and if you enjoy it a lot, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

019: Dr Paul Butterworth Education & Creativity in Podiatry

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 15 August 2019

034 - Dr David Armstrong Having A Passion For The High Risk Foot

Dr David Armstrong is Professor of Surgery at Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC) and Founder of Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA). He holds a Masters of Science in Tissue Repair and Wound Healing from the University of Wales College of Medicine, and a PhD from the University of Manchester College of Medicine. 

Dr Armstrong has produced more than 475 peer-reviewed research papers in dozens of scholarly medical journals as well as over 80 book chapters. He is co-Editor of the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) Clinical Care of the Diabetic Foot, now in its third edition.

On this episode we discuss:

 - Being a second-generation podiatrist and this year his daughter has begun her podiatry training

- The defining moment that he fell in love with the high-risk foot.

- Treating patients in the absence of pain, both surgically and mechanically is something else. 

- Making career choices based on passion, not money

- Why podcasting is a great educational medium.

- People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

What is it that we do as podiatrists?

Where helping people move through the world a little better, and that is a fantastic gift to give people. 



Final Tip

You need to remember that you’re in a great speciality and we change peoples lives and keep them moving. You can make a difference. 

If you have any questions about this podcast episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Dr David Armstrong via Linkedin.

Diabetic Foot Global Conference - DF CON (17-19 October 2019)

Dr David Armstrong's Blog - Diabeticfootonline.com 

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If you currently own a podiatry business, the fastest and most efficient way to grow your business is with a one-on-one business coach or mentor, or small group coaching. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.  

Subscribe To My Newsletter

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you're a fan of marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T.

Order My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I will be posting additional small business tips and information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

Subscribe To Podiatry Legends

If you enjoyed listening to this Podcast, please SUBSCRIBE and tell all your podiatry friends.

If you enjoy it a lot, it will put a HUGE smile on my face if you left a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

029: Joseph Frenkel Making Wound Care Exciting

It's No Secret with Dr T. EP 156: From Invisible to Influential

Check out this episode!