The best investment you can ever make is in yourself

Both events were awesome, but for completely different reasons.
The first event in Denver was all about marketing, which for any business is extremely important, and if you do not have a marketing plan in place you need to develop one.Too often business owners only think about marketing when there's a downturn in business and as soon as their business numbers are looking good again they stop. This helicopter type marketing is not a good habit to fall into.
When it comes to marketing your business you need to look at all your marketing pillars, and if you've read my book, It's No Secret...There's Money In Podiatry', you'll know exactly what I mean.
The more marketing pillars you can have supporting your business, the more stable your business will be long-term.
For those of you unaware of my 6 Marketing Pillars, here they are:
- Professional Referrals
- Non-Professional Referrals
- Internal Marketing
- External Marketing
- Verbal Marketing
- Web-Based Marketing
Every marketing pillar holds the same value and all marketing pillars should be worked on simultaneously.
The second event I attended in Phoenix was not about marketing, but more about mindset. How you think and act will have a huge effect on your long-term business success.
It's hard to go into specifics, but you need to understand that happiness, as well as success is a mental choice, and nothing happens by accident.
Your thinking, or mindset, has a massive influence on how you behave and also how you react in certain situations. Why will one person run and hide, while another person will stand and fight when faced with the same adversity?
It's how your brain responds and interprets certain stimuli. This is a very deep subject, and far more technical than I can go into right here, but this is why you need to invest in yourself, and you need to attend as many workshops and seminars as you can, because you are the most important person in your business, so you need to invest in yourself.
Please share this blog with family and friends if you found it of interest.
Tyson E. Franklin - Author | Mentor
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