Wednesday, 26 October 2022

230 - A New Type of Orthotic with Geoff Dowling & Noura Tashakor

Geoff Dowling initially studied prosthetics and orthotics at university and then went back to complete podiatry. Geoff worked closely with a foot and ankle surgeon for three years and saw many foot and ankle pathologies. Through this experience, he also saw a lot of ineffective orthotic devices. 

After starting his clinic, Geoff was disheartened to see orthotics that were not providing patients with the best clinical outcome, so together with his wife Noura, they decided to design a new type of device, Modulign Orthotics

If you want to connect with Geoff, you can email him at

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at

Business Coaching 

Are you looking for a Podiatry Business Coach who thinks differently? If you are, please reach out via email and let's have a chat to see if we're a good fit for each other. 

Alternatively, you can schedule a 30-minute appointment directly into my calendar by following this link -


Are you SUBSCRIBED to my YouTube Channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach? YouTube is where I upload all the uncut videos from my podcasts and other short business tip videos. 

Podiatry Business Owners Club

Please visit my group, the Podiatry Business Owners Club, on Facebook if you want to connect with like-minded podiatrists who enjoy business. 

12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot

Have you done the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot? It will change the way you think about your podiatry business. 

Check out this episode!

230 - A New Type of Orthotic with Geoff Dowling & Noura Tashakor

Geoff Dowling initially studied prosthetics and orthotics at university and then went back to complete podiatry. Geoff worked closely with a foot and ankle surgeon for three years and saw many foot and ankle pathologies. Through this experience, he also saw a lot of ineffective orthotic devices. 

After starting his clinic, Geoff was disheartened to see orthotics that were not providing patients with the best clinical outcome, so together with his wife Noura, they decided to design a new type of device, Modulign Orthotics

If you want to connect with Geoff, you can email him at

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at

Business Coaching 

Are you looking for a Podiatry Business Coach who thinks differently? If you are, please reach out via email and let's have a chat to see if we're a good fit for each other. 

Alternatively, you can schedule a 30-minute appointment directly into my calendar by following this link -


Are you SUBSCRIBED to my YouTube Channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach? YouTube is where I upload all the uncut videos from my podcasts and other short business tip videos. 

Podiatry Business Owners Club

Please visit my group, the Podiatry Business Owners Club, on Facebook if you want to connect with like-minded podiatrists who enjoy business. 

12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot

Have you done the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot? It will change the way you think about your podiatry business. 

Check out the latest podcast episode!

Friday, 21 October 2022

Ep 229 - Kent Sweeting I Just Kept Saying Yes

Kent Sweeting graduated from the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, in 2004 and over his career, he has kept saying yes to every opportunity presented to him. 

This 'just say yes' attitude has been integral to developing his career from clinical podiatrist and owner of Performance Podiatry & Physio to researcher and eventual owner of Queensland Orthotic Lab. 

If you are looking for a Podiatry Business Coach that thinks differently, please visit my website NEXT 12-WEEK PODIATRY BUSINESS REBOOT: Starts the 8th Feb. 2023 If you'd like to join the Podiatry Business Owners Club ON FACEBOOK, follow this link If you enjoy my videos, please SUBSCRIBE and tell your friends...unless you have no friends. If you have any questions, please email me at

117 - 12 Week Podiatry Business Reboot

What are you podiatry business plans for 2021? Have you given it much thought or is it going to be a repeat of 2020, and yes I know COVID has been a hurdle but did you know that some podiatry business had their best year?

It didn't happen by accident, they had their best year because they adapted to the current situation and took action.

Now before YOU SWITCH OFF and think SHIT, this is just going to be a sales podcast, hang around for a little bit longer as you may learn a few things. 

On this episode, I am joined by:

Carly O’Donoghue – Stepping Out Podiatry (Sunshine Coast)

Chloe Wear – The Woodvale Podiatrist (Perth)

Aadila Dadda – Happy Feet Queensland (Brisbane)

Jasmine Kouch – 2 Right Feet Podiatry (Kilsyth, Victoria)

Trina Goard – Armidale Podiatry (Armidale)

Judi France – Toowoomba Podiatry (Toowoomba)

Jonathan Small – Health First Foot & Gait Clinic (Southam, UK)

The reason I asked them to join me for this particular episode is that they’ve all completed the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot and have flourished, and I think it would be beneficial to hear from podiatrists who have gone before you. 

No One Knew the Questions

I’d like to point out I have not given anyone these questions to think about first, so I’m not exactly sure what they’re going to say, which I knew would be fun and also produce some very honest answers.

Initial Questions Around Coaching

Q1: - Have you ever been in a coaching program before? 

Q2: When you first heard about the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, why did you decide to do it? What was happening or not happening in your business?

We then moved onto discussing specific questions about the content in the 12-Week Program

  • WEEK 1: Developing Team Culture– Which was about aligning your team with your own business beliefs and values. And, even if you're a solo practitioner, you still have a team (Accountant etc).
  • Q3: Was that a useful topic?
  • Weeks 2-5: Covered Systems (Recalls, Reactivation & Incomplete Rx)- There is a difference in how these are used. 
  • Q4: Most podiatrists have systems, but did this program open your eyes to a few holes that may have existed with what you previously had set up?

We also covered Patient Journeys and Treatment Journeys and how a patient flows through your business and the potential services you may offer.

  • Q5: Did this change the way you approached your patients? 
  • Week 6: We dug deep into finding your Ideal Patient & Niching
  • Q6: Did you get more clarity on who your ideal patient was, and the type of podiatry work you should be targeting?
  • Week 7: Pre-framing Conversations & Directing the Conversation - Selling without selling. 
  • Q7: Did this help with your communication?
  • Week 8-9: Developing your marketing strategy, creating a Yearly Marketing Plan(Roadmap) and  Developing a Daily, Weekly and Monthly Marketing Plan (GPS)
  • Q8: Prior to doing the 12-week reboot, did you have a 12-month roadmap for your marketing, or did you just play it by ear?
  • Weeks 9-12: Protecting & Developing Your Brand and improving your web presence/website.  
  • We also discussed understanding the important NUMBERS in your business that really matter, which lead to a concept called Punctuated Equilibrium.


If you've got this far, I’ll explain what is involved in the 12-Week Reboot:

  • 12 x 1-hour weekly Zoom Meetings: All meetings are recorded and uploaded to a private Facebook Group, so if for some reason you cannot make a scheduled meeting, you can catch up with the recording. 
  • Q9: Did anyone here miss a meeting?
  • Weekly Q & A session via Zoom 
  • Templates & Frameworks: As we work through each session, templates and frameworks will be uploaded to the FACEBOOK GROUP.
  • Q10: Did everyone find them useful?
  • Unlimited email questions during the 12-weeks program
  • Video tutorials are created for common group questions 

To wrap up, if someone has listened to this and they’re sitting on the fence what would be your advice be?

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot or join the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links.       


Check out the latest podcast episode!

112 - Nicola O'Brian Diagnosing Lipoedema

Nicola O'Brian is a UK based podiatrist who has suffered Lipoedema for most of her life and on this episode, she openly shares her painful story, which I feel we can all learn from. 

Nicola explains how to diagnose lipoedema, why it is often misdiagnosed and confused with lymphoedema and obesity, and the important role podiatrists can play in managing this condition. 

Nicole was also on Episode 105 - Cosmetic & Aesthetic Podiatry

Related Article: Dr Karen Herbst

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at, or you can connect with Nicola at

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, or the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links. 

.          .                   


First 16 Pages of My Book – It’s No Secret There’s Money in Small Business.

12 Secrets to Get More People Through Your Front Door.

Check out the latest podcast episode!

106 - (Part 1) Podiatry Students Around The World 2020

On this episode, I talk with a group of podiatry students from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The students studying podiatry right now are the future of our profession, so all of us need to understand how they think and how they view the profession they have chosen to become a part of. 

The full podcast recording is well over 90-minutes, so I decided to break it easier to digest by breaking it into parts one and two.

The questions I asked on this episode are:

Q1: What areas of podiatry do you like most and why?

Q2: How important do you think social media is in podiatry?

If you're a current podiatry business and you're considering employing a new graduate soon, I think you'll find their answers very insightful. 

My podiatry student guests include:

  • Sarah Cox - Charles Stuart University (AUS)
  • Josh McGill - La Trobe University (AUS)
  • Ektaa Vadgama - University of Northhampton (UK)
  • Emily Reaney - University of Huddersfield (UK)
  • Amarilys Montalvo - Barry University (USA)
  • Yona Mizrahi - California School of Podiatric Medicine (USA)
  • Diksha Mohapatra - California School of Podiatric Medicine (USA)

Podiatry Business Coaching

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one Business Coaching or join my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot group coaching program. 

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance. 

Check out the latest podcast episode!

073 - Dave James Video Tips Every Podiatrist Should Use

Dave James is a UK based Podiatrist & Business Coach, and previous guest on this podcast (Ep 007). I asked Dave to come back onto the show to talk about a topic that I know is extremely important but often avoided by many people, myself included, and that's using video to grow your podiatry business.

Dave shares some straightforward tips that will give you the confidence to start shooting video almost immediately, and I know this for a fact because that's what I did straight after we did this recording. That's how simple Dave's make it all sound. 

On this episode we discuss: 

  • Why being the real you is what people need to see. Be authentic. 
  • Shooting video is as easy as grabbing your phone, pressing record and hitting upload. Editing is not required. 
  • If you overthink it, video is not easy, but it is still simple to do
  • Why people don't shoot video is because they are concerned they:
    • Sound funny
    • Look funny
    • And don't have anything to say
  • Important to remember, no one sees you the same way you see yourself.

The Haters

When you shoot and upload a video, you're putting yourself out there for everyone to see. The people who like you will find you but so to will the people who don't like you.

"You can't control what others think; you can only control what you put out there, not how people react".

This is why you should never take advice from someone that is not fighting the same battle as you. If you're criticised it will be from someone that is not shooting video themselves, so do not listen to them. 

It's Important To Be The Real You

If there is any incongruence between you on video and you in real life it will be noticed, and it can cause an unconscious unease. People can smell when you're trying to sell something. 

Patients will feel uncomfortable with you and not know why, so always be the real you on video. 

ZMOT - Zero Moment of Truth

Google refers to the zero moment of truth as the moment in the buying cycle when the patient, customer or client researches a product, often before the seller even knows that they exist and decides that yes, they will do business with you. 

Authentic videos will help move the ZMOT along faster. 

Finding Video Content 

Podiatrists are often confused about what they should talk about on video and Dave offers some simple advice. 

Every time a patient asks you a question, write it in a journal, no matter how simple the subject and these are the topics of your videos. 

"If you see 15 patients per day, it's highly probable you will be asked 15 questions. Answer the questions; there's your video content."

When you post a video:

  • Someone may say you're a twat.
  • Someone may say thank you very much.
  • But someone will say can I ask you another question? And that's what you want. 

It's as simple as:

  1. Deciding on your content (patient questions)
  2. Simply pick up your phone and start recording.
  3. Little to no editing, and there's no need for flashy introductions and transitions.
  4. Upload

Avoid Overproduction

If you overproduce your videos with intro and transitions and too much flare, it disconnects you from the person watching the video. You want them to see you as real. 

You want to create a regular conversation using ordinary day-to-day words, looking around like you would in a natural conversation, that's your goal. 

The more barriers you create trying to be perfect, the harder it will be for you to do. 

Good Quality Sound

When you are recording a video, lighting, background etc. are essential, but not as important as the sound quality. If recording video on your phone outside, be aware of the wind. 

Captions are also important as a very high percentage of people watch a video without sound. 

Final Things To Think About

  • How much time have you got?
  • How much effort do you want to put into it?
  • What is it you want to say?
  • And how do you want to say it?

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin or reach out to Dave James at 

You can also connect with Dave James via his website and on his Facebook page Positive Pod - Fully Booked Foot Business.

Newsletter & Events 

To be kept up to date with my next PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 

Podiatry Business Mentoring

If you need assistance with marketing and developing business systems, please email me at and let's see where I can help or visit the coaching and mentoring section of my website

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Consider A Podcast Review

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T. 

Show Sponsor is Podium

If you want to learn how to get an edge over your competitors, receive more Google Reviews, and learn how to keep all your online messaging in one convenient place, then you need to visit our dedicated sponsors' page at

Check out the latest podcast episode!

070 - Lorcan O'Donaile, Podiatry Business Success Secrets

There's one thing all successful podiatrists have in common, regardless of where they are in the world, and that is they all have a positive mindset, and Irish Podiatrist Locan O Donaile proves this once again.

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at 

Newsletter & Events 

To be kept up to date with my next PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 

Podiatry Business Mentoring

If you need assistance with marketing and developing business systems, please email me at and let's see where I can help or visit the coaching and mentoring section of my website

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Consider A Podcast Review

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T. 

Check out the latest podcast episode!

068 - Dr Brad Schaeffer Developing your Personal Brand

Dr Brad Schaeffer is one of the podiatrists on the highly successful TLC television show MY FEET ARE KILLING ME. Throughout the series, viewers will immerse themselves with both doctors – one west coast and one east coast – as they juggle all sorts of eye-popping cases, from wart clusters and funky fungus to toe amputations and foot reconstructions.

Dr Brad and I discuss the following on this episode:

  • His role at the Family Foot & Ankle Specialists in New Jersey
  • The benefits of having a strong social media presence and how TLC found his account on Instagram
  • Being authentic is the only way to go
  • Being on American Titan Games and meeting the Rock
  • Developing your personal brand 
  • Social media demands that you 're active and engaged with your audience, and it's a ton of work. 
  • you need to provide great content around what you do and it needs to be positive and uplifting

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at 

Newsletter & Events 

To be kept up to date with my next PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 

Podiatry Business Mentoring

If you need assistance with marketing and developing business systems, please email me at and let's see where I can help or visit the coaching and mentoring section of my website

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Consider A Podcast Review

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T. 

Show Sponsor is Podium

If you want to learn how to get an edge over your competitors, receive more Google Reviews, and learn how to keep all your online messaging in one convenient place, then you need to visit our dedicated sponsors' page at


Check out the latest podcast episode!

067 - Dr Emily Splichal Barefoot Function & Barefoot Science

Dr Emily Splichal, Functional Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, is the Founder of EBFA Global, Creator of the Barefoot Training Specialist® Certification, Author of Barefoot Strong and CEO / Founder of Naboso Barefoot Technology.

With over 20 years in the fitness industry, Dr Splichal has dedicated her medical/podiatry career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as it relates to barefoot science, foot to core integration and sensory integration.

This episode may challenge your current way of thinking, but I believe it's an episode you DO NOT WANT TO MISS. 

"Forever be a student and keep learning, look for resources outside of our profession. Go beyond podiatry mainstream, broaden your scope, and then bring it back and apply it to podiatry and continuously evolve". - Dr Emily Splichal 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at 

Newsletter & Events 

To be kept up to date with my next PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 

Podiatry Business Mentoring

If you need assistance with marketing and developing business systems, please email me at and let's see where I can help or visit the coaching and mentoring section of my website

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Consider A Podcast Review

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T. 

Show Sponsor is Podium

If you want to learn how to get an edge over your competitors, receive more Google Reviews, and learn how to keep all your online messaging in one convenient place, then you need to visit our dedicated sponsors' page at

Check out the latest podcast episode!

050 - Margaryta Chos True Grit & Determination

Margaryta Chos is a Ukrainian refugee, who now resides in Glasgow, Scottland, and her story is an inspiration and example of what true grit and determination can achieve. She is a former Ukranian Army lieutenant, current Fitness Model & Body Builder, Super Mum and successful Youtuber, and while doing all this, she managed to obtain her Podiatry degree. 

Ryta decided to challenge herself by taking up bodybuilding. She saw other people in the gym doing it and thought, 'I can do that', and within a few short years went on to place 5th in Britain in the Fitness Model category.  

On this episode we discuss:

  • Fear, doubts and self-esteem 
  • Discipline helps you achieve far more 
  • Why bodybuilding became an addiction
  • Social media trolls
  • Balancing her life and studying podiatry. It's all about managing time
  • The importance of giving back to the community 
  • Creating Youtube videos for herself and where she works at Foot Medic in the UK

Final Tip

Always grab every opportunity that comes your way and try to say yes in ways of personal and professional growth. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at, or you can connect with Margaryta Chos at Foot Medic

Business Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at and let's see where I can you. BUT, I'll be perfectly honest, I'm not for everyone. 

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my podiatry marketing workshops and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish. 

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. 

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Ep 021 - Drs Todd Brennan & Leo Krawetz Are YouTube Legends

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 188 - Developing Your Avatar & Unique Selling Proposition with Alex Frees

Check out the latest podcast episode!

045 - Drs Peyman & Viedra Elison Developing Passion & Culture in Your Podiatry Business

When it comes to running a successful podiatry business, it is vital to find your passion, surround yourself with the right team, and develop a mindset of success by associating with like-minded positive people. 

Drs Peyman & Viedra Elison are a dynamic podiatry team that own Fixing Feet Institute in Surprise, Arizona. I recently spent three days with them in Tempe, Arizona at Business Black Ops, which is a high-level mastermind group. 

I've wanted to get them on the Podiatry Legends Podcast for some time, so while I had them together in Arizona, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to capture their thought of podiatry business success. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Choosing to live in different states to pursue their podiatry careers. 
  • Working on an Indian Reservation in Arizona and how this has shaped Viedra's career and passion for diabetes and limb salvage.
  • Peyman's passion for paediatric biomechanics, foot deformities and peripheral nerve surgery.
  • Associates and culture problems - "Some people are just not trainable". 
  • Why continuing medical education is essential, but if you want to grow a successful business and life, you've got to attend business and marketing events. 
  • You need a positive mindset to bring it all together. 

Viedra's Tip:

In the early part of your career, focus on your education, not your location. You need to get out of your comfort zone. 

Peyman's Tip:

Find a niche market, something you enjoy and hone in on it. And if you feel you're in a rut, start hanging out with new people. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at  

One-On-One Coaching

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching. Please email me and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Episode 185: Having A Positive Mindset with Somnath Sikdar & Lonnie Beck

Order My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website or online, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.


Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

028: The Definition of Success in Podiatry with Craig Schooth

Check out the latest podcast episode!

006 - Jonathan Small Work Smarter, Not Harder

If you want to have a successful podiatry business and balanced life you need to learn how to Work Smarter, Not Harder and on this episode UK Podiatrist Jonathan Small, from Southam, Warwickshire explains what this exactly means. 

Jonathan is living proof you do not need to have a multi-location business with a large team to be a successful podiatrist; you can achieve high levels of success with a single location in a relatively small town if you set things up correctly. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Building entrepreneurial skills over time
  • Specialist clinics and the future of podiatry 
  • Why he chose to live in Southam, Warwickshire
  • Working for the NHS and starting his own part-time business on the side
  • Regular income versus the risk of business ownership, but also the rewards
  • University does not teach you to run a business
  • Why marketing is essential, and it's up to us to change the way people view our profession
  • The importance of repeating your marketing message, not just to patients, but also to your professional referrers. 
  • Why changing your thinking towards treating your patient will benefit you and assist in building a thriving business
  • Patients you help get out of pain will become your best referral source
  • Every treatment should be an education session for the patient
  • It's hard to build a business is you're booked out six weeks in advance and cannot fit in new patients. 
  • Why new patients make work more engaging

"It's important for patients to know, like and trust you and you do this with repetition".

Jonathan Small currently runs one and two-day workshops called Work Smarter, Not Harder, which he runs with Tony Gavin (Episode 002) and OSGO

LEVEL 1 has four sections:

  1. Increasing Your Income
  2. Improving Your Efficiency
  3. Reducing Your Costs
  4. Planning For The Future

LEVEL 2: Is based on the psychology of owning a podiatry business and the mindset required to make it a success. 

"Every business will have A, B, C, and D patients and it's important to limit your exposure to C's and D's". 

Categorising patients from A to D is essential, but you must do the same in all areas of your life. You will face C and D referrers, forums and social media pages, and other podiatrists, so avoid them when you can and be inspired by the A's and B's in your life. 

Jonathan and I will both be speaking at this year's Foot and Ankle Show, 11-12 October 2019 at the Liverpool Exhibition Centre. 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at, or you can contact Jonathan Small at Health First Foot & Gait Clinic

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

Podiatry Legends Podcast now has a Facebook page, If you want to keep up to date and informed, please LIKE the Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

iTunes Reviews

If you enjoyed this podcast, it would put a massive smile on my face if you left a review on iTunes or your favourite podcast platform. 

Remember iTunes podcasts are FREE.  

Most Recent Review from Great Britain 

Wonderful Podcast ☆☆☆☆☆
Thank you Tyson for this fantastic forum, the sharing and growing of our profession is long overdue ....we are the gatekeepers of FEET, no one else in the healthcare profession nails foot treatment like Pods. Your podcasts are fun and very informative. I’ve started using lots of great information, and it’s transforming my practice to the next level. Keep up the great work” Cats eyes legs dog ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 01/24/19

If you like this podcast and you're looking for more small business and marketing tips you may also enjoy It's No Secret with Dr T.


Check out the latest podcast episode!

004 - Simon Bartold Developing A Career In Biomechanics & Footwear

When you think footwear and biomechanics Simon Bartold's name should immediately spring to mind. He has worked with elite athletes for more than three decades, been to four Olympic Games, lectured in 42 countries, worked with Asics for 20-years and was head hunted by global footwear company Salomon to head up research, design and development of their road running range. 

Simon explained that he worked with some of the best sporting clubs and sports practitioners after graduating, and he did this for almost 15 years before he was ever paid a cent, it was all done for FREE. But as he puts it, you cannot put a price on the experience he gained.

"If you want to learn and get emersed in something you love, you have to do it for nothing, that's just the way it works". 

Opportunities Arose

If you're passionate and have a mindset for wanting to learn more doors will open for you. It was through the sporting connections he made that he was offered to be the podiatrist for the Adelaide 36er's. 

Once the doors opened more and more, opportunities arose. Not too long afterwards Simon was offered a position with Asics after he became quite vocal about how poorly constructed footy their boots were. 


If you have an interest in a particular area of podiatry you need to start upskilling in that area and make an effort to learn more than anyone else. Over time your knowledge will become superior to other people, and you will be noticed, and invitations to speak will come your way, opening up even bigger doors internationally. 

Staying Motivated

Simon has never had a problem getting out of bed on a Monday morning because he loved what he did each day. 

"Don't focus on making money, instead focus on being better and the money will come". 

If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at, or you can contact Simon Bartold through his website Bartold Clinical. 

Simon has also teamed up with Ultimate Podiatrist to run a full day event called Athletic Footwear - The Masterclass, being run in March in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Adelaide. (No dates set for Brisbane, but if enough people ask Simon to run one he will). 

iTunes Reviews

If you enjoyed this podcast, it would put a massive smile on my face if you left a review on iTunes, and if never want to miss an episode you may want to subscribe. 

If you like this podcast and you're looking for more small business and marketing tips you may also enjoy It's No Secret with Dr T.

If you liked this episode you may also enjoy:

Episode 014 - Josh Truscott Ultimate Podiatrist (CPD made easy)


Check out the latest podcast episode!

001 - Tyson E. Franklin Explains The Podiatry Legends Podcast

I know the title of this podcast podiatry legends is a bit odd, but if you look at the word LEGEND, it means an extremely famous or notorious person, especially in a particular field or profession.

So I don’t think I have any notorious podiatrists lined up as guests, but I do believe I have a group of podiatry guests that are already doing great things in our profession or will be shining lights in the not too distant future.

Goal Of The Podcast

So that is the goal of this podcast. I want to shed light all the great things happening in our profession, who is doing them and expose to you some of the fantastic career paths some podiatrists have taken, all over the world, which is why 100% of my guests are qualified Podiatrist.

If you’re a podiatry student, or recent graduate and you’re wondering what the podiatry profession has to offer long-term, there is a lot if you want to open your eyes and your minds.

If you’ve been in the podiatry profession for some time and your feeling tired, tuning in each week and listening to some of the fantastic stories may be the spark and motivation you need to pivot from your current path and take a different trajectory.

What's Coming Up On Future Episodes

On the next three episodes, you will hear from Tony Gavin based in the United Kingdom, Peter Wishnie from the United States and Simon Bartold from Australia.

Each podiatry guest was selected because I believe they have a unique story to share and have done or are currently doing amazing things in our profession.

Openly Sharing Important Information 

One key trait I have noticed with all my guests so far is they are the type of podiatrists that love sharing what they have learnt. They don’t want to keep what they’ve discovered to themselves.

Openly sharing their knowledge is why I referred to them as podiatry legends because that’s the sort of things legends do even though every guest so far has been quick to point out that they do not feel like legends. However, that’s what a legend would say.

This Is Not A Technical Podcast

I think it’s important to note this is not a technical podiatry podcast. This podcast is about sharing successful stories, ideas, career paths and upcoming worthwhile events, and along the way, we have a few laughs.

Now I’m sure there are plenty of podiatrists who have no idea who I am or where I’m from, so I’m going to give you a brief rundown of where I fit in the profession and if you want to learn more go to my website

Podiatry Scope Is Vast

As a profession, I think podiatry offers so much scope, more so than most, and hopefully, after listening to a few of my legendary guests, you’ll be inspired to do more yourself, or at least start considering it.

They say the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, so if you’re not 100% happy with what you’re doing every day; you have the power to change it.

It’s not up to anyone else; it’s up to you. It’s just a decision.

If you have any questions about this podcast or future podcasts, please send me an email at

At the end of each episode, I also plan to have the contact details of each of guest and details of any upcoming workshops and events.

Also, if you know of any podiatrists doing amazing things in our profession, please steer them my way and have them email me directly.  

And finally, I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, which is where I’ll be posting each episode and information about upcoming workshops and events being run by myself and my guest.

Check out the latest podcast episode!

229 - Kent Sweeting I Just Kept Saying YES

Kent Sweeting graduated from the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, in 2004 and over his career, he has kept saying yes to every opportunity presented to him. 

This 'just say yes' attitude has been integral to developing his career from clinical podiatrist and owner of Performance Podiatry & Physio to researcher and eventual owner of Queensland Orthotic Lab.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

  • Why he decided to leave a well-established running clinic to pursue a broader scope of podiatry practice.  
  • Setting up his practice with his brother. 
  • The tough learning curve of business ownership.
  • Patients can wear you down over time. 
  • Buying the Queensland Orthotic Lab.
  • Why saying yes made a huge impact on his career. 
  • Saying YES leads to other opportunities. Some you don't see coming. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at

Business Coaching 

Are you looking for a Podiatry Business Coach who thinks differently? If you are, please reach out via email and let's have a chat to see if we're a good fit for each other. 


Are you SUBSCRIBED to my YouTube Channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach? YouTube is where I upload all the uncut videos from my podcasts and other short business tip videos. 

Podiatry Business Owners Club

Please visit my group, the Podiatry Business Owners Club, on Facebook if you want to connect with like-minded podiatrists who enjoy business. 

12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot

Have you done the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot? It will change the way you think about your podiatry business. 

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

228 - Comprehensive Treatment of Hallux Limitus with DL Walker

Comprehensive Treatment of Hallux Limitus: Myofascial, Musculoskeletal & Mental Considerations. 

Hallux Limitus can be a debilitating and painful condition, progressively worsening if left untreated or treated incorrectly, and my guest, DL Walker, is a Corrective Manual Therapist specialising in foot and ankle dysfunctions.

In this episode, DL will explain her approach to successfully treating hallux limitus and how you can immediately apply this knowledge to your patients.

We also discuss:

  • Why it is important to get to the root cause of hallux limitus.
  • When it hurts is more important than how much it hurts. 
  • Predisposing Factors: Biology versus Functionality. 
  • Why do you need stability in order to have mobility?
  • Release, Realign and Reinforce the joint. 
  • What is Functional Manual Therapy?
  • Are you looking at a restriction problem or a stability problem?
  • Five important processes:
    • Reduce Inflammation
    • Protect the joint
    • Stabilisation
    • Mobilisation and release of connective tissue around the joint. 
    • Adjust the mindset. 

If you would like to connect with DL Walker or learn about any of her upcoming courses, please visit

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at

Business Coaching 

Are you looking for a Podiatry Business Coach who thinks differently? If you are, please reach out via email and let's have a chat to see if we're a good fit for each other. 


Are you SUBSCRIBED to my YouTube Channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach? YouTube is where I upload all the uncut videos from my podcasts and other short business tip videos. 

Podiatry Business Owners Club

Please visit my group, the Podiatry Business Owners Club, on Facebook if you want to connect with like-minded podiatrists who enjoy business. 

12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot

Have you done the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot? It will change the way you think about your podiatry business. 

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

227 - Bigger Is Not Always Better with Dr Brandon Macy

Dr Brandon Macy is the owner of Clark Podiatry Centre in Clark, New Jersey, and he has run a very successful solo practice for the past 41 years. As his business grew, he did consider employing another podiatrist; however, bigger is not always better, so he decided not to go down that path and instead focus on training his team and making his business more efficient.

Within his business, he has also established a niched paediatric practice called the New Jersey Children's Foot Health Institute, and even though he is a solo practitioner, his business joined the New Jersey Podiatric Physicians & Surgeons Group (a supergroup) in 2014.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Not getting overwhelmed as the business grows.
  • How and why he set up a niched paediatric business within his primary business.
  • The benefits of joining a supergroup.
  • Why do you need to connect and network with others, especially as a solo practitioner?
  • The importance of finding your patient's WHY. Why do they have a foot problem?
  • How coaching helped him establish his niche.
  • How you can run a solo business and still have a life.

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at

Business Coaching 

Are you looking for a Podiatry Business Coach who thinks differently? If you are, please reach out via email and let's have a chat to see if we're a good fit for each other. 


Are you SUBSCRIBED to my YouTube Channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach? YouTube is where I upload all the uncut videos from my podcasts and other short business tip videos. 

Podiatry Business Owners Club

Please visit my group, the Podiatry Business Owners Club, on Facebook if you want to connect with like-minded podiatrists who enjoy business. 

12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot

Have you done the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot? It will change the way you think about your podiatry business. 

Check out this episode!