Tuesday, 28 June 2022

213 - Find Your Intrinsic Purpose with Joel Lindner

Joel Lindner is the owner of Studio Podiatry in Brisbane, Queensland, and he is an avid goal setter and has a passion for helping others achieve their potential. 

Joel spent five years as a professional tennis player on the ATP World Tour, transferring what he learned as a professional sports player to his podiatry career and business. If this episode does not inspire you, you must seek medical help.  

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The many benefits of having a profitable podiatry business. 
  • Resilience, Disciple and Goal Setting
  • Micro-goals leading to your macro-goals
  • Dealing with failure. 
  • Get yourself back in the game mentally. 
  • Why dwelling on mistakes will not make you better. 
  • Identifying mistakes and making the required adjustments. 
  • Goals are based on your KEY PURPOSE. 
  • Aligning your team with the purpose of your business. 
  • Culture Fit.
  • Your treatment outcome is more important to the patient than your chosen modality. 

If you want to connect with Joel, you will find him at Joel Linder on Linkedin, or you can email him at hello@studiopodiatry.health.

Final Tip

You've got to find your intrinsic purpose. There will be ups and downs in your career, but you need to keep a level head, and you will work through any adversity. 

Business Coaching

Have you decided to grow your podiatry business? If you have, let's talk. You can email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com; otherwise, look at my Mentoring page or go to my online calendar and schedule a FREE 30-minute Zoom meeting with me. 



I upload all my educational and podcast videos to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Advisor & Mentor. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

If you want to connect with like-minded, positive podiatrists, consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 23 June 2022

212 - Be Willing to Experiment with Emily Smith

Emily Smith owns three sports podiatry businesses in Sydney, Australia. In this episode, she explains her passion for sports podiatry, why she bought into these businesses and how hard work grew them over three years. 

Emily played hockey at quite a high level. While playing, she suffered from ongoing shin splints, which were alleviated with prescription orthotics, which sparked her interest in podiatry.  

Topics we discussed:

    • Never employ out of desperation; it's a sure-fire way to failure. Your team must fit your culture.
    • When Emily interviews a potential new team member, only one out of ten questions is clinical; the rest are used to determine if they will be a good fit. 
    • You can always get them back to assess their clinical skills.
  • What it is like to be part of a larger sports team.
  • Building your reputation takes time. 
  • Intrinsic Fulfilment
  • The benefits of simplifying the examination process. 
    • It is essential to be able to communicate your findings with your patients. 
    • The more they understand, the better they will follow your instructions. 
    • Fancy gadgets and diagrams can often confuse your patients. Keep your explanations simple. 
  • The importance of experimentation and unravelling what you find. 
    • Niche down on what you are good at and interested in, and then refer the rest to others. 
    • Focus on your core skills, improve upon them and maintain your message. 
    • You will lose your message if you dilute your skillset.  

Final Tip:

Be willing to experiment. What we got taught doesn't apply clinically 100% of the time, and trying to put someone in a box is never a good plan; you need to be more flexible. 

You can connect with Emily at emily@emilybraidwood.com, and you can find her business locations at sportspodiatrists.com.au

Business Coaching & Mentoring

Have you decided to grow your podiatry business in 2022? If you have, let's talk. You can email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com; otherwise, look at my Mentoring page or go to my online calendar and schedule a FREE 30-minute Zoom meeting with me. 



I upload all my educational and podcast videos to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Advisor & Mentor. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

If you want to connect with like-minded, positive podiatrists, consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Greedy or Dumb Bosses?

Are podiatry employers greedy or just plain dumb? I asked myself this question after receiving a message from a podiatrist who explained to me their first two employment experiences and why they almost left podiatry.

Fortunately, they didn't leave the profession and decided to work for themselves. (See their message below). 

I received the message in response to episodes 209 and 210 - WHY I LEFT PODIATRY on the Podiatry Legends Podcast. 

Their Message to Me

I've been listening to your podcast on why podiatrists are leaving. It was really interesting to hear everyone's perspective on the field. I started listening as I have a few friends who have gone back to uni and want to leave the field; some already have. I also contemplated leaving podiatry.

 I did a 12-hour shift in a private clinic on my first day as a podiatrist. I was doing 12-13 hour days, pretty much running the clinic myself as I was paid the least in commission split with no super.

 I then went to apply for another job. They wanted me to mentor new grads, and I would earn a base wage, then bonuses were based on the amount of orthotics I sold. The base wage was less than what I was earning at Australia Post as a mail sorter which I did throughout uni.

I think a lot of employers have started to become greedy, and people have had enough. In saying that, there are some wonderful employers.

I now work for myself. I've got a clinic room set up at my house, and I do home visits. I see fewer people a day and earn more.

However, I have gone back to uni as I want to keep my doors open for other work down the track. Podiatry is very rewarding but can be emotionally draining and doesn't have much career progression I believe, unless you run a business.

Personally, I wouldn't go back to working in a clinic again. If this didn't work out, I would leave the profession, which I do feel sad about as there are a lot of positives.

If you're a recent or new graduate and have experienced this, please reach out to me at tf@tysonfranklin.com before you consider leaving the profession. I know a lot of excellent employers who are always looking for great TEAM Members. 

Podiatry Advising & Mentoring

Have you decided to grow your podiatry business in 2022? If you have, let's talk. You can email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com; otherwise, look at my Mentoring page or go to my online calendar and schedule a FREE 30-minute Zoom meeting with me. 



I upload all my educational and podcast videos to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Advisor & Mentor. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be notified whenever a new video is uploaded. 

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Ep 211 (UNCUT) Physical & Mental Road to Recovery with Jason McAninly

In 2020, Jason McAninly was crossing the road with a friend when a car ran a red light and ploughed directly into them.

After being thrown 12 metres from the impact, Jason suffered multiple lower limb ligamentous injuries, fractures, hand and arm injuries, and a fractured lower back.

In this episode, Jason explains not just the physical hurdles he had to overcome to get back to work but also the mental struggle, made worse by his marriage breaking down and long periods of isolation during Covid.  

We also discuss:

  • Learning to prepare for things that can go wrong
  • Understanding mental health.
  • Intrusive Thoughts: We all have them. 
  • A mental health injury should be treated just like any other injury. It takes time. 

If you want to connect with Jason, you can find him on LinkedIn and Instagram at @jmcpodiatry. 

Podiatry Advising & Mentoring

Have you decided to grow your podiatry business in 2022? If you have, let's talk. You can email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com; otherwise, look at my Mentoring page or go to my online calendar and schedule a FREE 30-minute Zoom meeting with me. 



I upload all my educational and podcast videos to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Advisor & Mentor. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

If you want to connect with like-minded, positive podiatrists, consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook. 

211 - Jason McAninly Physical & Mental Road to Recovery

In 2020, Jason McAninly was crossing the road with a friend when a car ran a red light and ploughed directly into them. After being thrown 12 metres from the impact, Jason suffered multiple lower limb ligamentous injuries, fractures, hand and arm injuries, and a fractured lower back.

In this episode, Jason explains not just the physical hurdles he had to overcome to get back to work but also the mental struggle, made worse by his marriage breaking down and long periods of isolation during Covid.  

We also discuss:

  • Learning to prepare for things that can go wrong
  • Understanding mental health.
  • Intrusive Thoughts: We all have them. 
  • A mental health injury should be treated just like any other injury. It takes time. 

If you want to connect with Jason, you can find him on LinkedIn and Instagram at @jmcpodiatry. 

Podiatry Advising & Mentoring

Have you decided to grow your podiatry business in 2022? If you have, let's talk. You can email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com; otherwise, look at my Mentoring page or go to my online calendar and schedule a FREE 30-minute Zoom meeting with me. 



I upload all my educational and podcast videos to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Advisor & Mentor. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

If you want to connect with like-minded, positive podiatrists, consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 9 June 2022

210 - Why I Left Podiatry (Part 2)

There's a big concern that too many podiatrists are leaving the profession, so it was suggested that I track down and interview a few of them and ask WHY they have left the profession. 

If you missed Episode 209 (Part One), I suggest going back at some stage and listening to it. 

At the end of this episode, I share my thoughts and takeaways from each of my five guests.  

Podiatry Advising & Mentoring

Have you decided to grow your podiatry business in 2022? If you have, let's talk. You can email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com; otherwise, look at my Mentoring page or go directly to my online calendar and schedule a FREE 30-minute Zoom meeting with me. 



I upload all my educational and podcast videos to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Advisor & Mentor. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be notified whenever a new video is uploaded. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 2 June 2022

209 - Why I Left Podiatry (Part 1)

A friend recently asked me, why do you think so many podiatrists leave the podiatry profession? I did have an opinion; however, instead of sharing my thoughts, why not ask the podiatrists themselves?

So over the past three months, I interviewed several ex-podiatrists, and I think I have gathered some fascinating information that needs to be shared. 

I want everyone to be aware that the purpose of this episode and next week's episode (Ep 210) is to shed some light on this problem and, hopefully, find some solutions. 

Podiatry Advising & Mentoring

Have you decided to grow your podiatry business in 2022? If you have, let's talk. You can email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com; otherwise, look at my Mentoring page or go directly to my online calendar and schedule a FREE 30-minute Zoom meeting with me. 



I upload all my educational and podcast videos to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Advisor & Mentor. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be notified whenever a new video is uploaded. 

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

EP 208 (UNCUT): Becoming A Female Sports Podiatrist with Sarah O'Connell

Sarah O'Connell is the owner of Momentum Foot & Ankle Specialists in Oranmore, Galway, Ireland, and in this video, she explains her determination to become a female sports podiatrist, which was a very male-dominated field in Ireland.

If you prefer audio, the podcast is available to download and listen from:

My Website: http://bit.ly/PodLegendPodcast

Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3Ir67HS

Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/PodLegendApple

PlayerFM: http://bit.ly/PodLegendPlayerFM

Overcast: http://bit.ly/PodLegendOvercast

Stitcher: http://bit.ly/PodLegendStitcher