Sunday, 31 October 2021

FREEPLE - People That Just Want Freebies

There will always be people that want free information and will never pay for your podiatry expertise. 

Thursday, 28 October 2021

177 - Human Skills Versus Clinical Skills with Chris Desmond

Chris Desmond is a Physiotherapist in Wellington, New Zealand. He is the host of the Art of Healthcare podcast, which explores the human side of healthcare and how it relates to providing excellent clinical outcomes for our patients. 

At university, we learn the clinical aspects of our profession well. After university, a lot of continuing education focuses on improving our clinical skills and knowledge, which is extremely important; however, that's only part of it.

If you want to be a great podiatrist and healthcare provider, you need to understand the human skills of healthcare. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Resilience Strategies
  • Turning the voices off in your head
  • Why do some patients get better clinical outcomes when they see someone else, even though they provide the same treatment?
  • Improving communication skills. 
  • Experienced clinicians versus new graduates. 
  • Daily preparation and mental resets. 
  • New techniques and new technology do not make you a better clinician. 
  • Patient Identity: Don't just look at the physical injury or symptoms; dig deeper so you can understand how it affects their identity. 

If you want to connect with Chris Desmond or find out more about his courses, please visit

Book Recommendation: Travis Christofferson  - Curable

Final tip

Always remember the patient in front of you is a person; treat them as a person. Also, remember you are a person as well, be a person, not a clinician.

If you have any questions about this episode, one-on-one business coaching or any of my group coaching programs, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.comand we can arrange a quick ZOOM call. 


I record and upload most of my podcast interviews and other educational videos to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

Competitive Advantage

If you're looking for a competitive advantage over other podiatrists in your area, please visit my EVENTS PAGE, consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook.

To learn more about the next group coaching program, please visit

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

176 - Trina Goard & Tahlia North New Mums & Business Ownership

Trina Goard from Armidale Podiatry in New South Wales and Tahlia North from Heal Focus Podiatry in South Australia are both new mums.

I thought it was essential to share their stories, thoughts and ideas around business ownership and motherhood, especially while it is still very fresh in their minds. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The preparation needed leading up to stopping work.
  • Sharing the news with your patients and how did they take it?
  • What were you going to do if you could not find another podiatrist?
  • What have you learnt, and what would you do differently?
  • Was there any pressure from family, friends and patients about working?
  • The benefits of belonging to different podiatry groups.
  • The importance of having systems. 
  • Why you need to employ early. 

You can connect with Tahlia and Trina via email at and

If you have any questions about this episode, one-on-one business coaching or any of my group coaching programs, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.comand we can arrange a quick ZOOM call. 


I record and upload most of my podcast interviews and other educational videos to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

Competitive Advantage

If you're looking for a competitive advantage over other podiatrists in your area, please visit my EVENTS PAGE, consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook.

To learn more about the next group coaching program, please visit

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

175 - Wilson Lawrence Identity Lock & Patient Communication

Wilson Lawrence is a Personal Development and Performance Coach who specialises in helping people find success without compromising their health and happiness. 

This episode discusses how you can become a better communicator with your patients and why better communication leads to far greater patient compliance and long-term treatment success.

We also cover:

  • Decoding what you say so patients can understand you more clearly.
  • Why it's essential to avoid industry language. 
  • Developing clarity in your communication. 
  • Identity Lock & understanding who you are. Being a podiatrist is not your identity; it's just a powerbase. 
  • Identity lock prevents you from adaptive communication. 

Final Tip

Think about the outcome you want to achieve from every conversation you want to have and select your language accordingly.

Competence-Competence Loop

Improving communication is a success-habit, and we're all creatures of habit. The more we do something, the more competent we become, and the more competent we become, the more confident we become.  

If you have any questions about this episode, one-on-one business coaching or any of my group coaching programs, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.comand we can arrange a quick ZOOM call. 


I record and upload my podcast interviews to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

Competitive Advantage

If you're looking for a competitive advantage over other podiatrists in your area, please visit my EVENTS PAGE, consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook.

To learn more about the next group coaching program, please visit


Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Ep 174 (UNCUT): Stacey Keating KIDZOLES (Orthotics for Kids)

Stacey Keating is the brain behind the online business KIDZOLES, a unique prefabricated orthotic system specifically designed for children with heel pain, but Kidzoles is more than just an orthotic; it's a total heel pain package. 

If you have any questions about this episode, one-on-one business coaching or any of my group coaching programs, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.comand we can arrange a quick ZOOM call. 

174 - Stacey Keating KIDZOLES (Orthotics for Kids)

Stacey Keating is the brain behind the online business KIDZOLES, a unique prefabricated orthotic system specifically designed for children with heel pain, but Kidzoles is more than just an orthotic; it's a total heel pain package. 

Stacey is from Perth, Western Australia. During her career, she has run six successful Podiatry Businesses in Victoria and Western Australia with her husband Matt, who is also a qualified  Podiatrist.

Before selling their podiatry businesses, they opened a prescription orthotic laboratory and, using her experience and background in manufacturing custom orthoses, formed the inspiration to create Kidzoles.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Developing a heel pain program.
  • Why she offers a money-back guarantee.
  • Taking the Kidzoles business online. 
  • Handling rejection.
  • Being a role model for her children. 
  • The benefits of providing strengthening programs with each Kidzole purchase.

"In practice, I would never issue an orthotic without also giving the patient an exercise program, so I couldn't have a prefabricated orthotic company that was just dishing out orthotics and not having an exercise program behind them".

If you have any questions about this episode, one-on-one business coaching or any of my group coaching programs, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.comand we can arrange a quick ZOOM call. 


I record and upload my podcast interviews to my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach. Please SUBSCRIBE, and if you click on the bell icon, you'll be informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

Competitive Advantage

If you're looking for a competitive advantage over other podiatrists in your area, please visit my EVENTS PAGE, consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook.

To learn more about the next group coaching program, please visit


Check out this episode!