Friday, 30 October 2020

109 - Tyson E Franklin Understanding Biomechanics Using Guitar Chords

If you employ new graduates in your podiatry business and you're constantly frustrated by their apparent lack of biomechanical knowledge and clinical application, I think I can shed some light on the problem, and I'm going to play my guitar (poorly) to help explain my thinking. 

If you have any questions after listening to this episode, please send me an email at 


Check out this episode!

Thursday, 29 October 2020

108 - Dr Patrick McEneaney You Can't Manage 10 Clinics Yourself

Dr Patrick McEneaney has grown his podiatry empire from three clinics to ten clinics in less than twelve months, and he has done it during COVID-19. Who Does That? One thing he has learnt is you cannot manage ten clinics yourself.

Dr Patrick McEneaney is the owner of Northern Illinois Foot & Ankle Specialists and was my guest on Ep 048: Rapid Business Expansion, (Nov. 2019), and Ep 074: 8 Business Tips During COVID-19, (April 2020).

In addition to his ten clinics, he also employes 17 podiatrists with a total team of 73. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • How he has managed to grow his business during COVID
  • The thought process behind this progression of growth
  • How he finds good doctors and then finds the clinic
  • Identifying patients that should be coming back for further treatment 
  • Why you need to know your numbers. Not just what comes in, but how quickly accounts are being paid. 
  • Why you need to connect with your patient
  • The importance of good communication. It's about drawing people into your conversation. 
  • Why patients need to express themselves even if it has nothing to do with the problems.
  • We are not just diagnosticians.
  • Speeding through the consultation is not good for your business.
  • Why you can't manage ten clinics, you have to trust your team and let things go.

"Every time they make a decision, even if you don’t like the way they went about it, you’ve got to trust the end result is how you want it to be".

Final Tip

When you’re interviewing someone you’ve got to have a gut feeling they are a good fit. Hire them, pay them well and make sure you make time to train them properly. 

If you have any questions about this podcast episode or you have ideas for future episodes, please email me at

Podiatry Business Coaching

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one Business Coaching or join my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot group coaching program. 

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance. 

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

107 - (Part 2) Podiatry Students Around the World

This is part two of a conversation I had with a group of podiatry students from Australia, the UK and the USA. If you missed part one (Episode 106), make sure you go back and have a listen. 

On this episode, I asked one specific question.

Where do you see the podiatry profession in the next five to ten years? 

If you're an employer, I think you'll be interested in hearing their answers, which revolve around respect, imposter syndrome, niching down and where technology fits into our future. 

My podiatry student guests include:

  • Sarah Cox - Charles Stuart University (AUS)
  • Josh McGill - La Trobe University (AUS)
  • Ektaa Vadgama - University of Northhampton (UK)
  • Emily Reaney - University of Huddersfield (UK)
  • Amarilys Montalvo - Barry University (USA)
  • Yona Mizrahi - California School of Podiatric Medicine (USA)
  • Diksha Mohapatra - California School of Podiatric Medicine (USA)

Also, Yona and Diksha are the hosts of a successful Instagram page @thedpmjourney and Youtube channel TheDPMJourney. And Ektaa also has a Youtube channel Ektaa Vadgama, and I was also a guest on her show. The episode is titled the Tyson Franklin Interview.

If you have any questions about this podcast episode or you have ideas for future episodes, please email me at

Podiatry Business Coaching

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one Business Coaching or join my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot group coaching program. 

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance. 

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

106 - Podiatry Students Around The World (Part 1)

On this episode, I talk with a group of podiatry students from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The students studying podiatry right now are the future of our profession, so all of us need to understand how they think and how they view the profession they have chosen to become a part of. 

The full podcast recording is well over 90-minutes, so I decided to break it easier to digest by breaking it into parts one and two.

The questions I asked on this episode are:

Q1: What areas of podiatry do you like most and why?

Q2: How important do you think social media is in podiatry?

If you're a current podiatry business and you're considering employing a new graduate soon, I think you'll find their answers very insightful. 

My podiatry student guests include:

  • Sarah Cox - Charles Stuart University (AUS)
  • Josh McGill - La Trobe University (AUS)
  • Ektaa Vadgama - University of Northhampton (UK)
  • Emily Reaney - University of Huddersfield (UK)
  • Amarilys Montalvo - Barry University (USA)
  • Yona Mizrahi - California School of Podiatric Medicine (USA)
  • Diksha Mohapatra - California School of Podiatric Medicine (USA)

Podiatry Business Coaching

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one Business Coaching or join my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot group coaching program. 

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 8 October 2020

105 - Nicola O'Brian Cosmetic & Aesthetic Podiatry

Nicola O'Brian is from ESSEX in the UK, and over the past 20-years she has specialised in Aesthetic treatments, initially coining the phrase “Cosmetic Podiatry”.

To be perfectly honest, Nicola hated the idea of Cosmetic Podiatry, in fact, she would be totally offended if a patient even asked about cosmetic podiatry because she was a qualified health professional and health professionals don't do that sort of thing.

However, life has a way of putting our egos in check and out of financial necessity, Nicola was forced to temporarily undertake a small amount of cosmetic podiatry work to make ends meet.

Little did she know this would take her on an amazing 20-year journey. Not only did she initially Double Her Income, since then you can add another zero, that's also how successful this career pivot has been. 

She now supports practitioners to learn contemporary skills to generate increased practice revenue with a range of innovative workshops & CPD courses, such as The Lacuna Method for fungal Nails, Medi-Ped & Pedisafe Nail reconstruction. For more details, you can visit her website

"Don’t give up and you need to think outside the box. Be a little creative and don’t be frightened to experiment. If someone says you can’t do something, do not listen to them". 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at, or you can connect with Nicola at

 Podiatry Business Coaching

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one Business Coaching or join my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot group coaching program. 

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, 2 October 2020

104 - Jay Henderson Don't Hire Sub-Par Team Members

Jay Henderson is the author of The Ultimate Guide To Hiring Superstars. His company Real Talent Hiring, is dedicated to helping employers take the guesswork out of people performance using the Real Talent System—the only objective metric system of its kind in the world.

He has a passion for sports psychology and high-performance training, and he takes a scientific approach that measures how people think and how they make decisions. In contrast, most evaluations are use behaviour tools. 

Understanding how your potential hire thinks and makes decisions is THE key difference in hiring accuracy, training and team development… ultimately, leading to your success.

On this episode we discuss:

  • People don't take action until they make a decision, and you can't decide until you analyse what you perceive around you. 
  • The order is Perception, Analyses, Decision, Action.
  • As we get older, we become more mature, but our biases are relatively unchanged. Think of family members who have never changed since you've known them.
  • Employing people is no different. You cannot change employees; in fact, they can become worse over time as they get more comfortable. 
  • Why your brain won't let you be someone you are not, but you can change your self-image. It's like dipping a blanket in a dye; you may need to do it several times until every fibre has taken on the new colour. And some reapplication may be required. 
  • Why comfort zones are comfortable

"Think of your mindset like a rubber band stretched upwards and downwards between your hands. It can snap back down to your reality, where you are now because that's where you're comfortable, or your current reality can snap up to your vision. The one that wins is the one that's most dominant in our minds and emotions". 

  • The power of visualisation, in sport and life. Visualisation is like dipping the blanket. 
  • The role dissatisfaction plays in snapping you up towards your vision.  
  • Why hiring the wrong person can damage your whole team.
  • When it comes to employing someone, you should do it the same way you would market your business looking for the ideal patient. 
  • Why you need to have a careers page on your website, you should always be in recruitment mode. 

Final Tip

It's really important that you value yourself. Give yourself the gift of taking care of the important things in your business, and do not hire sub-par team members. 

"How we think about ourselves is reflected in how we run our business."

And on a final note, stop telling yourself the story that there's no one available or there are no good people to employ. This is a negative mindset. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at, or you can connect with Jay Henderson at and don't forget if you sent Jay an email you can request free templates, just put Perfect Gift in the subject line. 

Podiatry Business Coaching

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one Business Coaching or join my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot group coaching program. 

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance. 


Check out this episode!