Friday, 28 August 2020

099 - Dr Richard Chasen Be More Than Just A Pod

WARNING: This episode will motivate and inspire you. Dr Richard Chasen is the owner of The Lower Limb Clinic in Melbourne, Victoria and I'm not sure if his wisdom and guidance come from his teachings as a Rabi or his 40 plus years in Karate. Richard is officially the first Black Belt Rabi on the podcast. 

On this episode, we discuss why podiatry is the best profession to be in, the business of podiatry and what it may look like in the future. 

Show Notes - TBC

Podiatry Business Coaching

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one Business Coaching or join my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot group coaching program. 

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 20 August 2020

098 - Michael Stephenson Tomorrow's Podiatry

Michael Stephenson is a private practitioner based in Glasgow, Scotland. Before studying Podiatry, Michael was a qualified Ski Instructor and then worked in outdoor retail where he gained an interest in helping people find solutions for painful feet which led to him studying Podiatry.

He is also the brains behind the Facebook Page Tomorrow's Podiatry and Tomorrow's Podiatry Awards. Michael is currently the Chair of the Glasgow Branch of The College of Podiatry and Deputy Professional Editor of the societies magazine, Podiatry Now.

On this episode we discuss:

  • His transition from the world of skiing into podiatry
  • How his retail experience taught him how to listen to the client's needs 
  • Why you need to change the way you deliver content
  • Tomorrow's Podiatry Awards
  • The advantages of working with students
  • Creating communities of learning and developing a new culture in podiatry. 

What does digitisation mean?

It's not creating a PDF copy and putting it online. It's about taking content and understanding what your reader is doing.

Readers will interact differently on their mobile compared to their desktop. No one will read 2000 words on their phone.

You may have an hour-long conversation recorded on video and audio, but there are only a few minutes that are important to someone, so you've got to deliver it in a way that works for them. 

"The people that will shape the profession are the people coming into the profession now, not the people that have been here already for 25 years". 

Final Tip

If you're bored in podiatry go and learn something new, it will keep the passion going. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please send me an email at, or you can connect with Michael on Facebook at Tomorrow's Podiatry. 

Podiatry Business Coaching

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one Business Coaching or join my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot group coaching program. 

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 13 August 2020

097 - Dr TJ Ahn Avoid The Force of Average

Dr TJ Ahn is a first-generation Korean who immigrated to America alone when he was only 19 without any connections or ability to speak English. He called Tennessee home initially where he studied Computer Science and Business, before eventually moving to Chicago to study podiatry, which is where he still lives and practices podiatry.

In addition to running his podiatry business, he is using his experience and business knowledge to help other colleagues build their dream private practices at TJ Ahn Coaching & Consulting

On this episode we discuss:

  • His love of Aikido and how this was an essential step towards his podiatry career
  • The importance of connection
  • Teachers and Mentors help knock off the bad edges.
  • What we do and who we are are not the same thing. 
  • Being an Experimentalist
  • The power of Adaptability
  • Why he was going to quit podiatry between 2012 - 2014
  • How his mindset changed between 2014 - 2016. "You're worth far more than an insurance company says you are". 
  • Increasing your podiatry service to a concierge level
  • Reactivating your existing patients is more important than trying to get new patients 
  • Strategy & Tactics 
  • The Force of Average 
  • Social bullying
  • Find a niche, get good at it and defend it

"Most podiatrists are too focused on revenue instead of focusing on profit. Would you prefer 20% of one million dollars or 45% of half a million dollars."

4-Step Plan to Follow

  1. Tweak your mindset
  2. Find your niche
  3. Have a solid marketing strategy and tactics in place
  4. Adjust your practice systems

If you follow these four steps, you'll have crazy business profits and victory. 

"When you wake up tomorrow are you going to be a better version of yourself, the same version, or a worse version? You decide."

Take Action

When you focus on an attainable goal and on the implementation required, meaning you take action to make sure the small tasks get done, you're heading in the right direction. 

Creating a habit of getting small tasks done every day, towards the big goal, will make you feel good and alive.


Dr TJ Ahn has written a book called Opt-Out, and you can obtain a free by following this link, all you need to do is pay for the postage...BARGAIN!!!

Dr Ahn also has a private Facebook Group called Podiatry Profits, and a podcast called the Podiatry Profits Podcast

If you have any questions about this episode, please send me an email at

Podiatry Business Coaching & Mentoring

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one business coaching and mentoring, or group coaching

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance. 

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

096 - Jonathan Small FEAR & Comfort Zones

Jonathan Small is a UK based podiatrist, and today we discuss why many podiatrists fear stepping out of their comfort zones, not realising that this avoidance is forgoing their long-term career and business success.    

It's not normal to say, "I want to make myself uncomfortable", but when you're making decisions about your podiatry business that you think is making you happy now, will this decision still make you happy in years to come? 

Setting Your Fees

Moving out of your comfort zone is not just about acquiring new skills or trying new things. Are you setting your fees within your comfort zone? And are you aware that the fees you set NOW may affect what you can and cannot do in the future?

If you're telling yourself that you're happy with the fees that you've set, you've already settled back into your comfort zone. Your fees should always make you slightly uncomfortable. 


You will overcome your fear by doing what makes you uncomfortable repeatedly. The more often you do it, the more comfortable you'll become, and eventually, you'll be desensitised. 

It's all about repeating the process. 

Avoiding Danger

Most people stay in their comfort zone because they want to avoid danger, it's in our DNA to keep safe, but most of the things we're trying to avoid will not kill us and are completely safe. 

"If you're not sure about doing something, find someone that has already done it and learn from them or be inspired". 

Green & Growing 

You have a choice to be green and growing or ripe and rotting, and growth only comes by getting out of your comfort zone. 

Growth is where the good stuff is. 

Marketing & Sales

Saying you're not into marketing and sales is an excuse. Be honest with yourself and admit it makes you uncomfortable. So, it's not that you're not into marketing and sales, it's just that you have not yet acquired the skills. 

"You need to understand that you're not going to get it right straight away. There's a whole journey to get to your destination".

10 Habits of Happy People

  1. More family and friends time
  2. Don't respond to negativity
  3. Do work that brings joy
  4. Read and write more
  5. Give without expecting to get
  6. Stay teachable
  7. Forgive first
  8. Show gratitude
  9. Speak the truth
  10. No sense of entitlement

Final Tip

If you step out of your comfort zone in your personal life, it will reflect in your business life. Take up a new hobby, start something new that is going to give me some pain. It will have a knock-on effect. 

Jonathan's previous episodes:

Ep 006: Work Smart, Not Harder

Ep 044: Podiatry Success Is A Mindset

Ep 081: Don't Live In The Land of Low Fees

If you have any questions about this episode, please send me an email at, or you can connect with Jonathan at Health First Foot & Gait Clinic.

Podiatry Business Coaching & Mentoring

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.  

  • Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics. 
  • Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder. 
  • Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits. 

You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one business coaching and mentoring, or group coaching

If you want to know more, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance.  

Check out this episode!