He has experience with both national and international athletes and recently transitioned to focusing primarily on helping the general population, and local athletes manage their pain and achieve their goals.
Listen: You need to listen before you begin to educate your patient. If you listen, you'll know everything that you need to address. You'll know what the patient's goal is, and you can take that information and apply it to them.
With listening, we'll know what they're looking for, expecting, and what makes them fearful. Only then can we can reassure our patients.
Reflective Listening: Reflect what they're saying, so they can either correct us or agree with us. There needs to be a sense of collaboration.
If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business, there are four vital pieces to the business puzzle.
- Marketing - You need a well thought out marketing strategy, not just more tactics.
- Systems - You need systems that will support your marketing strategy and your team.
- Team - You need to develop a team culture that makes your work-life balance easier, not harder.
- Diary - Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient numbers and increases daily profits.
You have two choices: There's the slow approach, where you learn by trial and error and do everything yourself, or you can fast-track your education and business success with one-on-one business coaching and mentoring, or group coaching.
If you want to know more, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat to see if I can be of assistance.
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Understanding complexity/complex systems theory:
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Biopsychosocial model of health
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Muscloskeletal Pain/Injury:
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Shared Decision Making:
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Clinical Decision Making:
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