Sunday, 31 May 2020

084: Kate Markland Your Business Is Alive

Kate Markland is this months 'Legend who is not a Podiatrist'. Kate is a Physiotherapist and developer of the Markland Method program, which is a biological model for running a business in a language that healthcare businesses already understand.

Kate decided to create a system that was not only easy and intuitive to understand but could actually help clinic owners thrive instead of just survive.

Kate also runs a weekly video series with two previous Podiatry Legends Podcast guests, Dave James (Ep 007 & 073) and Justin Blake (Ep 066) for the  UK Business Healthcare Breakfast. 

On this episode we discuss:

  1. Why a daily cashflow forecast is critical to your survival.
  2. The Anatomy and Physiology of a Healthcare Business.
  3. Trusting yourself to lead in uncertainty. 

If you have any questions, please email me at, or you can reach out to Kate Markland on Facebook and Linkedin

Facebook Page & Group

Facebook Page: Podiatry Legends Podcast - This is where I post each podcast episode and information regarding podiatry events around the world.

Facebook Group: Podiatry Business Owners Club - This is for podiatry business owners, and where I add my business and marketing videos. 

Podiatry Business Coaching & Mentoring

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business you've got to work on four specific areas of your business. 

  • Marketing - You need to have a proper, well thought out strategy
  • Systems - You need systems that will support both your marketing and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a culture that makes your life easier, not harder
  • Diary - This is the backbone. Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient number per day and in turn, will increase your daily profits. 

Thinking you can just work on one part or maybe two out of four areas and still do well is no longer good enough, you must develop all four pieces of the business puzzle.

If you want to join one of my upcoming Group Coaching Programs or discuss one-on-one Business Coaching & Mentoring, please email me at, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat and see where I can help.  

Newsletter & Events 

Please sign up for my NEWSLETTER if you'd like to know more about upcoming EVENTS, I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

023 - Tina Rainville Extremes & Efficiency 

Check out this episode!

Friday, 29 May 2020

083 - Rebecca Rushton The Blister Expert

Rebecca Rushton is a podiatrist in Esperance, Western Australia, with a population of 12,000 people and the next closest podiatrist is 400km away. There would be very few Podiatrists in the world that would know more about treating blisters and how to prevent them from occurring in the first place. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • What causes blisters (how this is not understood entirely / definition of friction)
  • Why it's essential to involve blister prevention in treating blisters (don't just whack a bandaid on it)
  • Different preventions work better depending on anatomic location.

These are the links and pages mentioned on the podcast;

Her book: The Blister Prone Athlete Guide

Facebook Group: The Blister Hour goes live every Thursday on Facebook at 8 AM Perth time. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please send me an email at 

Facebook Page & Group

Facebook Page: Podiatry Legends Podcast - This is where I post each podcast episode and information regarding podiatry events around the world.

Facebook Group: Podiatry Business Owners Club - This is for podiatry business owners, and where I will be adding my business and marketing advice and videos. 

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

Please sign up for my NEWSLETTER if you'd like to know more about upcoming EVENTS, I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

079 - Grant Duong From Good To Great

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 205: Fans First Experience with Jesse Cole

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

082 - Dr Howard Dananberg Non-Surgical Treatment of Hallux Limitus

Dr Howard Dananberg explains that in the 1980s podiatrists didn't always work in the best hospitals and therefore complications with surgery was a possibility; therefore this made him start thinking and looking of alternative treatment options for common foot surgeries. 

On this episode, Dr Dananberg and I take a journey through his early career and the research and discoveries he uncovered, which lead to his non-surgical treatment approach to hallux limitus.  

"The way you to start thinking about Hallux Limitus is, it doesn’t hurt to move, it hurts because it doesn’t move when it should".

Links to learn more:

"Testing perineal strength should be the first step in evaluating hallux limitus".

BIO: Dr Howard Dananberg graduated from the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine in 1975. After his residency, he practised in Manchester, New Hampshire until 2012 when he retired.

He has received numerous awards for his work on sagittal plane biomechanics, including the Scholl's Award, Astra Award and MIT-Lemelson Inventor of the Week Award.

He has authored numerous peer-reviewed papers and given lectures on this topic to podiatry, medical and physical therapy audiences around the world.

If you have any questions about this episode, please send me an email at

Facebook Page & Group

Facebook Page: Podiatry Legends Podcast - This is where I post each podcast episode and information regarding podiatry events around the world.

Facebook Group: Podiatry Business Owners Club - This is for podiatry business owners, and where I will be adding my business and marketing advice and videos. 

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

Please sign up for my NEWSLETTER if you'd like to know more about upcoming EVENTS, I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

Episode 080: Brain 4 Feet - You Need To Think

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

081 - Jonathan Small Don't Live In The Land of Low Fees

My guest Jonathan Small is a UK based podiatrist, and he believes that you should be charging what you're worth, and nothing less. You should also stay away from the land of low fees because it is a dangerous place and nothing good ever comes from it. 

If you want to have a financially viable podiatry business, you've got to set your fees correctly. You should never set your prices based on what your competitors are charging.

Jonathan has appeared three times on the Podiatry Legends Podcast. His first appearance was on Ep 006: Work Smart, Not Harder and then on Ep 044: Podiatry Success Is A Mindset.

On this episode we discuss:

  • Why podiatrists don't value the service they provide.  
  • Fee mindset
  • When you charge higher fees, you also have to start delivering on service
  • COVID-19 is showing why having low fees is not a good business move and is damaging long-term. 
    • Cashed up podiatrists who charged correctly and now have a cash reserve will ride out this pandemic comfortably. 
  • When you charge more, you can provide better services, do more CPD, etc. 
  • Higher fees are a reflection of the value of the education you provide to your patients - What is the value of the solution to the patient? 
  • The public perception of professionals that charge higher fees (Surgeons, Lawyers...why not Podiatrists) 

"My approach is that if a patient comes to me with a foot problem that I can fix it as well as a surgeon can fix why should I charge any different to that surgeon?"

Reboot Your Podiatry Business

NOW is the perfect opportunity to reboot your podiatry business because patients are taking their health far more serious since COVID-19.

So if you think outside the box, there are real opportunities to be had.  

Being Busy Is Not A Sign of Success 

If you want a successful business, you need to free up time from your diary so you can work on the business. 

Therefore you need to get rid of some patients by increasing your fees or take on another employee to see those patients for you, so you have time to work on the business. 

Saying you do not have time is not an excuse, especially now. 


You have to get your marketing systems set and working correctly and to do this right it takes time, which is why you need to free up the time you're spending with patients. 

If you don't like working on the business and working on your marketing that fine, you just need to get someone who does like it, or you should work for someone else. Business is not for everyone. 

You need to work:

  1. On the business
  2. In the business
  3. And away from the business (time off)

"When you have a good marketing strategy, you create a steady stream of new patients, and this is what makes your business safe and successful". 

Final Tip

Make a decision not to live the land of lower fees. Decide that you're going to be the Ferrari of foot care. You will lose patients, but if you have a good marketing strategy, you will quickly fill that void. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please send me an email at, or you can connect with Jonathan at Health First Foot & Gait Clinic.

You can also connect with Jonathan on Instagram @footmanj12. 

Facebook Page & Group

Facebook Page: Podiatry Legends Podcast - This is where I post each podcast episode and information regarding podiatry events around the world.

Facebook Group: Podiatry Business Owners Club - This is for podiatry business owners, and where I will be adding my business and marketing advice and videos. 

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

Please sign up for my NEWSLETTER if you'd like to know more about upcoming EVENTS, I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

079 - Grant Duong From Good To Great

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 205: Fans First Experience with Jesse Cole

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

080 - BRAIN 4 FEET - You Need To THINK

What makes this podcast episode really special is my guest is from Spain and wants to remain anonymous. He wants his work and ideas to do the talking for him, not his name. 

I know some marketing professionals would tell you this goes against everything you're supposed to do, but after you listen to this episode you'll get a better understanding as to why this works for Eugene, aka. Dr Brain (not his real names)

On this episode we discuss:

  • Why he wants to remain anonymous
  • The Brain_4_Feet Instagram Page
  • Validating his work
  • Why you need to Analyse, THINK & Treat
  • Why he still makes orthotics by hand
  • Dealing with COVID-19 in Spain 
  • BRAIN 4 FEET Method
    • Think WHY then APPLY
    • Think first then share
    • Have doubts then share
    • Share and learn 

Opportunities to Learn

If you only apply what you learn at university, you will miss a lot of opportunities to learn and grow. When the patient is sitting in front of you, ask if what you've learnt applies, if not try something different. 

Explain Your Treatment Using Logic

Always explain to the patient WHY you’re choosing a particular treatment plan; don’t just do it without an explanation. 

If you make a logical decision for your treatment and you explain it to the patient, and it does not work, the patient is going to be far more forgiving because they were in on the plan. 

Saying, 'I'm doing it this way because this what I learnt at university' is not a logical reason for choosing a treatment plan. 

Explaining your logic will also allow you the ability to change your reasoning, and patients will accept this. 

Failures Lead To Success

Experience and a large number of ongoing failures over many years will lead to a successful podiatry career.

"At university were taught failure is bad, but exams do not evaluate your true knowledge, they only evaluate your memory."

If you have any questions about this episode, please send me an email at, or you can connect with Eugene via his Instagram page Brain_4_Feet

Facebook Page & Group

Facebook Page: Podiatry Legends Podcast - This is where I post each podcast episode and information regarding podiatry events around the world.

Facebook Group: Podiatry Business Owners Club - This is for podiatry business owners, and where I will be adding my business and marketing advice and videos. 

One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring

If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at and let's see where I can you.  

Newsletter & Events 

Please sign up for my NEWSLETTER if you'd like to know more about upcoming EVENTS, I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

048: Patrick MeEnaeney Rapid Business Expansion 

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 205: Fans First Experience with Jesse Cole

Check out this episode!