If you're a self-employed Podiatrist you've got to learn how to market yourself, and your business correctly, otherwise you will be over run by your competitors.
Thursday, 30 April 2020
Podiatry Business Owners Club
If you own a podiatry business and you want to connect with like-minded podiatrists, please visit the private group I have created on Facebook (Podiatry Business Owners Club). All you need to do is answer three simple questions.
This will also be the future location for most of my business and marketing videos.
podiatry podiatrist smallbusinesstips
Tuesday, 28 April 2020
079 - Grant Duong From Good To Great
Grant Duong is an innovative and inspirational podiatry business leader, and he understands what is required to take your podiatry career and business from good to great. A limited mindset aims for good, but everyone can aim for great if they want it.
He is a partner in The Triumph Institute, which is a multidisciplinary business offering Podiatry, Chiropractic, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Law services, Academic Coaching and Cafe.
On this episode we discuss:
- The importance of recruiting people into your team with the same positive energy, culture and mentality.
- It's essential for the branding of your company.
- Negative energy sucks the life and heart out of your business, which is why everyone has got to fit.
- You need to innovate, implement and inspire.
- Universities and Associations do not teach podiatrists how to run a business or the importance of systems.
- Why you need to do 'what makes you great, not what makes you happy'.
- Video games may make you happy, but it does not help others.
- You need to become the best at what you can do, as a business owner and as an employee.
- Selling the experience of visiting your business.
- You need to analyse your systems and make sure they fit with the experience.
"When the business runs well, the owner is happy, and when the owner is happy, it increases morale at work, resulting in better patients experiences and better business".
Using Instagram for Patient Retention
Grant encourages his patients to follow him on Instagram, and he spends two or three 10-minutes blocks per day, evaluating hashtags and engaging with others on the platform.
- He follows a lot of accounts with 1000 - 2000 followers because they are real, and he asked engaging question.
- He will create a routine of different posts Monday to Friday on the Instafeed, (general feed), usually one post per day.
- He encourages using the carousel (max ten posts)
Three Instagram Foundations
- Use it to build a more significant base with warm leads (existing patients). This increases credibility.
- Your credibility is useful for cold leads. People will look at your website and social pages, and when they find your IG page, your personality will ooze out.
- Also helps you stay in contact with your existing patient base. You can see who engages with your photos and videos, and when they do, you can reach out and enquire how they are doing. (Brilliant)
Use Instagram Stories
Post short 15-second videos that only last for 24 hours. They are a great way to test content or trial a post. If you get 10% or more engagement, you can post about it in your general feed.
If there's no traction, don’t post about it.
On this podcast, Grant said that his Instagram name in @the_foot_mechanic; however, this has been changed to @grantfootdr.
If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can contact Grant Duong at grantfootdr@gmail.com.
One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring
If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.
Newsletter & Events
Please sign up for my NEWSLETTER If you'd like to know more about upcoming EVENTS, I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.
Facebook Pages
I have set up a Podiatry Legends Podcast Facebook Page, where I post additional information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world, and I've also set up a new Group Page - Podiatry Business Owners Club, which is just for podiatry business owners, which is where I will be adding additional business and marketing advice.
My Book
It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.
Tell Your Podiatry Friends
If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.
If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:
048: Patrick MeEnaeney Rapid Business Expansion
It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast
If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 205: Fans First Experience with Jesse Cole
Thursday, 23 April 2020
078 - Jason Cunningham Have Your Cake & Sell It Too
Jason Cunningham is the co-owner of The Practice, a business advisory firm in Victoria Australia, an author and media commentator on radio and television, including Network Ten's The Living Room.
On this episode, we will discuss his latest book, Have Your Cake & Sell it Too - The 7 Key Ingredients of Business Success, and how podiatrists can benefit from this information and come out of the COVID-19 pandemic with all guns blazing.
We also talk about:
- Beginning with the end in mind, and why this is powerful.
- You are building a business that’s ready for sale, even if you don’t want to sell it.
- When a business is ready for sale, what does it look like, sound and feel like?
- Highly profitable
- Amazing cashflow
- A team that is a delight to work with
- Customers that keep coming back
- Runs without you
- Someone will one day offer you big bucks, but you’re in a position to say no.
- Most professional services work for themselves because they are great at what they do and think that's the natural next step.
- Employing people better than yourself to work with you.
- Understanding the long game of building a business that’s suitable for the ultimate customers, which is the one person that is going to buy your business
- Why you need to start building an designing it right now, not when you think you may want to sell
- Hire the best podiatrists, don’t try and be the best podiatrist
- You need to have a STRATEGY:
- Most businesses don’t have a plan.
- It’s five years old and sits in the office draw.
- And no one else in the business knows the plan.
- You need to train your team to the plan, and it needs to be crystal clear to everyone involved.
- You need to be continuously reminded of the game plan each day.
- How is everyone tracking to the plan? (KPI’s)
- it's essential to Understand Yourself
- You must build your mission statement and be on purpose.
- Who do I serve, and how do I serve them?
- Once again, be crystal clear.
- Mission statement, 20 words or less
- What do you stand for? (core values and culture)
Final Tip
Never before has collaboration be so profound and so important, we may feel disconnected, but we are very much connected, therefore the more you put into this world, the more that will come back to you, and the reverse is also true.
"A Crisis requires a cool head, and we’ve never made a smart decision when we’re angry, when we’re drunk or when we panic."
If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or reach out to Jason at The Practice.
One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring
If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.
Newsletter & Events
If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.
Podiatry Legends Facebook Page
I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page.
My Book
It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.
Tell Your Podiatry Friends
If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.
If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:
074 - Dr Patrick MeEneaney 8 Business Trips During COVID-19
It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast
If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 188 - Developing Your Avatar & Unique Selling Proposition with Alex Frees
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
074 - Dr Patrick McEneaney 8 Business Tips During COVID-19
Dr Patrick McEneaney was my guest on Ep 048: Rapid Business Expansion, (Nov. 2019), and since then he has purchased three more podiatry businesses, right in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic? What was he thinking?
Is he crazy, or is he a genius? I'll let you decide, but one thing I can tell you for sure is that Dr McEneaney is a passionate podiatrist and is not guided by money, he loves life and enjoys what he does every day at Northern Illinois Foot & Ankle Specialists.
On this episode we discuss
- Innovation that will come out of this pandemic and how we will benefit
- When to implement and not implement new systems
- Spotting Opportunities: They come up all the time, but it's essential to work with your team and look at the numbers, is it worth what they're asking, and can we infuse into this business to make it better and more valuable?
- Knowing when to say NO
8 Business Growth Tips For COVID-19
- Do not panic - a lot of people will have fear and anxiety, but it is important to remember it will go back to normal at some stage, we just don't know when.
- Work with your team - look at agenda items from the past that have never gotten done and start tackling them. You may never get this sort of time opportunity again.
- Be adaptable - you’ve got to learn how to take on new challenges (telehealth)
- Look at equipment purchases - vendors are struggling as much as we are, so ask for discounts. Leverage to your advantage.
- Protect your cash flow and prepare for a rainy day - you cannot assume you’re always going to be making a lot of money.
- Preparedness - you've got to be ready for things to go wrong and you need to have adequate insurance in place. Pandemics don't occur every day, but other disasters do.
- Utilise your services - what services are available to you right now that you are under-utilising? Find a way to keep them top of mind and work them into your daily routines more.
- Commence new services - what can you learn that will give you more treatment options and skills, or can you bring on a new team member who can provide the expertise you do not have.
"You don’t need ten of you; you just need a few of you and other people who are a supporting cast who can do other things that you either can’t do or don’t want to do".
If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Dr Patrick McEneaney at drmceneaney@illinoisfoot.com
One-On-One Coaching & Mentoring
If your podiatry business needs help to develop marketing strategies or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one coaching and mentoring. Please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can you.
Newsletter & Events
If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.
Podiatry Legends Facebook Page
I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page.
My Book
It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.
Tell Your Podiatry Friends
If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.
If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:
071 - Testing Positive to COVID-19 with Dr Emily Splichal
It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast
If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Ep 188 - Developing Your Avatar & Unique Selling Proposition with Alex Frees
Don't Be Like Joe Exotic (Tiger King) in Business
Unless you've been living under a rock you would have to have seen the latest docuseries on Netflix, Tiger King, with Joe Exotic. After finishing the series I thought there was a major business lesson to be learnt that was worth sharing.
In sport, we're told not to take our eyes off the ball and there is a good reason for this, you'll drop the ball. In business, it's no different, you must stay focused on what is important and not get distracted.
Joe Exotic was a very interesting character, and he stuffed up big time. Instead of focusing on his own zoo, he focused his attention and hatred towards an animal activist Carole Baskin.
It was this unhealthy obsession that cost him everything and to be honest I've seen podiatrist do this as well.
In Cairns, I had a similar experience with a podiatry competitor who spent far too much time on me and not enough on his own business. In the end, I prospered and he did not. (Watch the video and it will make a lot more sense).
Any questions, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com
Friday, 17 April 2020
What You Can Control
At the moment the world is a little crazy and this can be a little frightening because we feel we have no control, BUT this is why it's important to focus on the things you can control, such as:
2. Your Attitude
3. Your Daily Actions
4. Who You Associate With
2. Is it in your diary?
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
073 - Dave James Video Tips Every Podiatrist Should Use
Dave James is a UK based Podiatrist & Business Coach, and previous guest on this podcast (Ep 007). I asked Dave to come back onto the show to talk about a topic that I know is extremely important but often avoided by many people, myself included, and that's using video to grow your podiatry business.
Dave shares some straightforward tips that will give you the confidence to start shooting video almost immediately, and I know this for a fact because that's what I did straight after we did this recording. That's how simple Dave's make it all sound.
On this episode we discuss:
- Why being the real you is what people need to see. Be authentic.
- Shooting video is as easy as grabbing your phone, pressing record and hitting upload. Editing is not required.
- If you overthink it, video is not easy, but it is still simple to do
- Why people don't shoot video is because they are concerned they:
- Sound funny
- Look funny
- And don't have anything to say
- Important to remember, no one sees you the same way you see yourself.
The Haters
When you shoot and upload a video, you're putting yourself out there for everyone to see. The people who like you will find you but so to will the people who don't like you.
"You can't control what others think; you can only control what you put out there, not how people react".
This is why you should never take advice from someone that is not fighting the same battle as you. If you're criticised it will be from someone that is not shooting video themselves, so do not listen to them.
It's Important To Be The Real You
If there is any incongruence between you on video and you in real life it will be noticed, and it can cause an unconscious unease. People can smell when you're trying to sell something.
Patients will feel uncomfortable with you and not know why, so always be the real you on video.
ZMOT - Zero Moment of Truth
Google refers to the zero moment of truth as the moment in the buying cycle when the patient, customer or client researches a product, often before the seller even knows that they exist and decides that yes, they will do business with you.
Authentic videos will help move the ZMOT along faster.
Finding Video Content
Podiatrists are often confused about what they should talk about on video and Dave offers some simple advice.
Every time a patient asks you a question, write it in a journal, no matter how simple the subject and these are the topics of your videos.
"If you see 15 patients per day, it's highly probable you will be asked 15 questions. Answer the questions; there's your video content."
When you post a video:
- Someone may say you're a twat.
- Someone may say thank you very much.
- But someone will say can I ask you another question? And that's what you want.
It's as simple as:
- Deciding on your content (patient questions)
- Simply pick up your phone and start recording.
- Little to no editing, and there's no need for flashy introductions and transitions.
- Upload
Avoid Overproduction
If you overproduce your videos with intro and transitions and too much flare, it disconnects you from the person watching the video. You want them to see you as real.
You want to create a regular conversation using ordinary day-to-day words, looking around like you would in a natural conversation, that's your goal.
The more barriers you create trying to be perfect, the harder it will be for you to do.
Good Quality Sound
When you are recording a video, lighting, background etc. are essential, but not as important as the sound quality. If recording video on your phone outside, be aware of the wind.
Captions are also important as a very high percentage of people watch a video without sound.
Final Things To Think About
- How much time have you got?
- How much effort do you want to put into it?
- What is it you want to say?
- And how do you want to say it?
If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin or reach out to Dave James at hello@davethecoach.co.uk
You can also connect with Dave James via his website davethecoach.co.uk and on his Facebook page Positive Pod - Fully Booked Foot Business.
Newsletter & Events
To be kept up to date with my next PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish.
Podiatry Business Mentoring
If you need assistance with marketing and developing business systems, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can help or visit the coaching and mentoring section of my website.
Podiatry Legends Facebook Page
I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world.
My Book
It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.
Consider A Podcast Review
If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.
It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast
If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T.
Show Sponsor is Podium
If you want to learn how to get an edge over your competitors, receive more Google Reviews, and learn how to keep all your online messaging in one convenient place, then you need to visit our dedicated sponsors' page at https://try.podium.com/podiatrylegends/
Tuesday, 7 April 2020
072 - Talysha Reeve Career Benefits of Non-Traditional CPD
Talysha Reeve has had quite a unique podiatry career, as most of her post-graduate studies, CPD courses and certifications have been obtained through other allied-health bodies, not traditional podiatry.
Currently, Talysha balances her time between working at an Adelaide sports podiatry business and her podiatry CPD business, Kinetic Therapies, that delivers both live and online podiatry CPD content, primarily on the use of exercise therapies for musculoskeletal conditions seen in podiatric practice.
On this episode we discuss:
- The love-hate relationship with podiatry as a student and in her first years of practice.
- Burning out only after a few years.
- Quitting podiatry to work in a coffee shop
- Realisation there's no money in making coffee
- What it is like working with elite athletes at a specialist sports medicine clinic.
- Benefits of doing CPD from outside the profession
- Why knowing more about exercise prescription is essential even if you do not treat athletes.
- Active versus passive therapies
- Why patients must buy into the treatment goal
- Communication
- Why you need to charge appropriately. You need to value your service, expertise and additional training.
Final Tip
Do not panic if you haven’t found your passion or niche in podiatry yet. If a patient comes in with a specific pathology and this excites you, and you want to learn more, then follow that. You don’t have to stick to the mainstream.
If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Talysha Reeve on Linkedin.
Newsletter & Events
To be kept up to date with my next PODIATRY MARKETING WORKSHOPS and other EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily rubbish.
Podiatry Business Mentoring
If you need assistance with marketing and developing business systems, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com and let's see where I can help or visit the coaching and mentoring section of my website.
Podiatry Legends Facebook Page
I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional business and marketing tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world.
My Book
It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.
Consider A Podcast Review
If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.
It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast
If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T.
Show Sponsor is Podium
If you want to learn how to get an edge over your competitors, receive more Google Reviews, and learn how to keep all your online messaging in one convenient place, then you need to visit our dedicated sponsors' page at https://try.podium.com/podiatrylegends/
Friday, 3 April 2020
071 - Testing Positive to COVID-19 with Dr Emily Splichal
Only a few weeks ago on Episode 067, my guest was Dr Emily Splichal, a fit and healthy New York City podiatrist, and as you're probably aware, New York City is like a battleground right now because of COVID-19. Dr Emily has become one of the statistics.
As I record this episode on the 4th of April 2020, New York City just had its worst daily death toll of 562 people taking the states' total death toll to 2935.
New York State now has over 100,000 positive COVID-19 cases and also added another 10,000 today. At present, there are over 15,000 people hospitalised, which brings me to the reason I want to produce this particular special edition episode.
The Diagnosis
Dr Emily Splichal was recently diagnosed as COVID-19 positive and being relativity young, fit and very healthy she only had mild symptoms initially. Still, within days her symptoms became much worse, and she was force call 911 and was rushed to the hospital.
While she was waiting for the ambulance fighting to breathe, Emily posted a quick message on Facebook pleading everyone to take this pandemic seriously, it is very real and does not just affect the old and sick, it can affect anyone or any age, it does not discriminate.
Emily was also scared and in fear of her life, and you could tell from her post that Emily was not confident of the outcome.
When I saw her message, I thought wholly shit because Emily was the first person I knew who had been hit hard by COVID-19, but fortunately, she did get through the worst of it, and I ask if she would share her ordeal with my podcast audience, and maybe we could all learn something from it.
If you want to reach out to Emily and ask a question, you can email her at dremily@ebfafitness.com, and if you have any other questions about this episode or previous episodes, please reach out to me at tf@tysonfranklin.com
Consider A Podcast Review
If you enjoy the Podiatry Legends Podcast, please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.