Tuesday, 29 December 2020

119 - Colin Power The Tai chi Foot Doctor

Colin Power owns Power Podiatry in Harvey Bay, Queensland and he is known as The Tai chi Foot Doctor. Colin has successfully incorporated this ancient martial art into his podiatry business and is producing amazing results with his patients. 

We've all seen groups of older or alternative looking people in the park early on a Saturday morning going through their super-slow Tai chi movements, but's there's far more to Tai Chi than meets the eye and this episode will definitely enlighten you. 

Colin was also my guest on Episode 110: Be Curious, Don't Be A Dick.

On this episode we discuss:

  • Two forms of Tai chi based exercises
    • Martial version
    • Healing version (park version) 
  • Tai chi as we know it today
  • Your understanding of movement 
  • Tai chi and the elderly

"When working with older people, it's important to reduce the intensity, not don't dumb down the activity so much that they may as well go for a walk".  

  • Why Tai chi is better for falls prevention than normal exercises. 
  • Benefits to the neurological system by slowing exercises down. 
  • Strength and balance - why slowing movements down the muscles must work harder
  • The Please Don’t Fall Down Tai Chi Parkinson’s Group.
  • Improving functional strength
  • Functional range of motion versus flexibility

“We’re not all going to be treating elite athletes, but every person you treat, you can treat like an athlete because they’re all doing athletic movements.”

  • The Repulse Monkey - walking backwards with a forward intent. It’s a neurological challenge.
  • Bodyweight transition with movement 
  • Adding Tai chi to your patient instructions will give more adherence and engagement. 
  • Why you should limit the number of exercises you give patients. (Don't give them 10)

"Not all Tai chi instructors are created equal. Just like there are crap podiatrists, there are also crap Tai chi instructors". 

  • A simple breathing technique you can do in between patients.

"We should only breathe in and out without a pause when there's a tiger is chasing us". 

Final Tip

We need to learn to breathe and to count. Patients do exercises too quickly, but you can slow it down and do it better by breathing and counting. 

You can connect with Colin at powerpodiatry@gmail.com and if you have any questions about this episode, a previous episode, please reach out to me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

This episode was sponsored by PODIUM and to learn more CLICK HERE

BONUS - Lift Hands Martial Arts Magazine 

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot or join the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links.       


Check out this episode!

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Episode 118 - Be Successful by Standing Out with Jesse Cole (UNCUT)

Jesse Cole is the founder of Fans First Experience and owner of the multi-million dollar USA baseball team, the Savannah Bananas. He is a sort after speaker who promotes the motto "if it's normal, do the exact opposite" and is the author of Find Your Yellow Tux and the host of one of my favourite podcasts Business Done Differently. On this episode we discuss: * Asking yourself what business am I in and then what business am I really in? * Challenging the friction points of your business. * Learning from outside of your industry and bringing this knowledge back into your industry. * The importance of having fun - take your work seriously but don’t take yourself too seriously. "No one gets home and says they met the most professional person today. Instead, they will talk about how you made them feel and what was unique about you and made you stand out". * Pay attention to every touchpoint with your patients. * Think about your customer journey and what are the friction points. "There's nothing worse than someone dropping the F-Bomb about your business. You don't want them to say their experience was FINE". The 5 E’s 1. Eliminate the Friction 2. Entertain Always - provide entertaining touchpoints. 3. Experiment constantly - Your success is a direct function of how many experiments we do per year, per month, per week, per day. 4. Engage Deeply 5. Empower Action - don’t be afraid to fail. Think about what your 2.0 or 3.0 version is of what you currently do. "10, 20, 30 40 years ago, boring was acceptable, but this is no longer the case." Ask Yourself Do you want to have a beer with your business? Is your business fun enough that you want to hang out and have fun? Unfortunately, most businesses are not fun. Maybe some of this information does not apply to podiatry, but what if it did? How would this change the way you approach your patients or run your business? Open your mind up to the possibility of doing tungs differently. Worst Case If you embrace this new thinking or implement a new idea, you need to consider the worst-case scenario, but sometimes the best thing that can happen is even bigger. Wear Your T-Shirt What would it take for people to wear a shirt with your business name on the front...that’s when people feel they belong to something. Who are you not for? When you make changes to your business or start delivering what you do differently, there will be people that do not like it and would prefer you to be like everyone else, and that's great. You don't want to be for everyone...that's boring. If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com. If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, please visit https://www.tysonfranklin.com/Coaching/REBOOT

Thursday, 24 December 2020

118 - Be Successful by Standing Out with Jesse Cole

Jesse Cole is the founder of Fans First Experience and owner of the multi-million dollar USA baseball team, the Savannah Bananas.

He is a sort after speaker who promotes the motto "if it's normal, do the exact opposite" and is the author of Find Your Yellow Tux and the host of one of my favourite podcasts Business Done Differently. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Asking yourself what business am I in and then what business am I really in?
  • Challenging the friction points of your business. 
  • Learning from outside of your industry and bringing this knowledge back into your industry.  
  • The importance of having fun - take your work seriously but don’t take yourself too seriously. 

"No one gets home and says they met the most professional person today. Instead, they will talk about how you made them feel and what was unique about you and made you stand out". 

  • Pay attention to every touchpoint with your patients.
  • Think about your customer journey and what are the friction points.

"There's nothing worse than someone dropping the F-Bomb about your business. You don't want them to say their experience was FINE". 

The 5 E’s

  1. Eliminate the Friction
    • Macro-Friction (Industry Level)
    • Micro-Friction (voice mail, innocence’s, etc.)
  2. Entertain Always - provide entertaining touchpoints.
  3. Experiment constantly - Your success is a direct function of how many experiments we do per year, per month, per week, per day. 
  4. Engage Deeply
  5. Empower Action - don’t be afraid to fail.
  • Think about what your 2.0 or 3.0 version is of what you currently do.

"10, 20, 30 40 years ago, boring was acceptable, but this is no longer the case."

Ask Yourself

Do you want to have a beer with your business? Is your business fun enough that you want to hang out and have fun? Unfortunately, most businesses are not fun. 

What if it did?

Maybe some of this information does not apply to podiatry, but what if it did? How would this change the way you approach your patients or run your business? 

Open your mind up to the possibility of doing tungs differently. 

Worst Case 

If you embrace this new thinking or implement a new idea, you need to consider the worst-case scenario, but sometimes the best thing that can happen is even bigger. 

Wear Your T-Shirt

What would it take for people to wear a shirt with your business name on the front...that’s when people feel they belong to something. 

Who are you not for?

When you make changes to your business or start delivering what you do differently, there will be people that do not like it and would prefer you to be like everyone else, and that's great. You don't want to be for everyone...that's boring. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot or join the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links.       


Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Episode 117 - 12 Week Podiatry Business Reboot (UNCUT)

LATEST EPISODE # 117: 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot
What are you podiatry business plans for 2021? Have you given it much thought or is it going to be a repeat of 2020, and yes I know COVID has been a hurdle but did you know that some podiatry business had their best year?
It didn't happen by accident, they had their best year because they adapted to the current situation and took action.
Now before YOU SWITCH OFF and think SHIT, this is just going to be a sales podcast, THINK AGAIN.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot simply follow this link - http://bit.ly/12WeekReboot

On this episode, I am joined by:
* Carly O’Donoghue – Stepping Out Podiatry (Sunshine Coast)
* Chloe Wear – The Woodvale Podiatrist (Perth)
* Aadila Dadda – Happy Feet Queensland (Brisbane)
* Jasmine Kouch – 2 Right Feet Podiatry (Kilsyth, Victoria)
* Trina Goard – Armidale Podiatry (Armidale)
* Judi France – Toowoomba Podiatry (Toowoomba)
* Jonathan Small – Health First Foot & Gait Clinic (Southam, UK)
The reason I asked them to join me for this particular episode is that they’ve all completed the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot and have flourished, and I think it would be beneficial to hear from podiatrists who have gone before you.
If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot simply follow this link - http://bit.ly/12WeekReboot

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

117 - 12 Week Podiatry Business Reboot

What are you podiatry business plans for 2021? Have you given it much thought or is it going to be a repeat of 2020, and yes I know COVID has been a hurdle but did you know that some podiatry business had their best year?

It didn't happen by accident, they had their best year because they adapted to the current situation and took action.

Now before YOU SWITCH OFF and think SHIT, this is just going to be a sales podcast, hang around for a little bit longer as you may learn a few things. 

On this episode, I am joined by:

Carly O’Donoghue – Stepping Out Podiatry (Sunshine Coast)

Chloe Wear – The Woodvale Podiatrist (Perth)

Aadila Dadda – (Brisbane)

Jasmine Kouch – 2 Right Feet Podiatry (Kilsyth, Victoria)

Trina Goard – Armidale Podiatry (Armidale)

Judi Pascoe – Toowoomba Podiatry (Toowoomba)

Jonathan Small – Health First Foot & Gait Clinic (Durham, UK)

The reason I asked them to join me for this particular episode is that they’ve all completed the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot and have flourished, and I think it would be beneficial to hear from podiatrists who have gone before you. 

No One Knew the Questions

I’d like to point out I have not given anyone these questions to think about first, so I’m not exactly sure what they’re going to say, which I knew would be fun and also produce some very honest answers.

Initial Questions Around Coaching

Q1: - Have you ever been in a coaching program before? 

Q2: When you first heard about the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, why did you decide to do it? What was happening or not happening in your business?

We then moved onto discussing specific questions about the content in the 12-Week Program

  • WEEK 1: Developing Team Culture– Which was about aligning your team with your own business beliefs and values. And, even if you're a solo practitioner, you still have a team (Accountant etc).
  • Q3: Was that a useful topic?
  • Weeks 2-5: Covered Systems (Recalls, Reactivation & Incomplete Rx)- There is a difference in how these are used. 
  • Q4: Most podiatrists have systems, but did this program open your eyes to a few holes that may have existed with what you previously had set up?

We also covered Patient Journeys and Treatment Journeys and how a patient flows through your business and the potential services you may offer.

  • Q5: Did this change the way you approached your patients? 
  • Week 6: We dug deep into finding your Ideal Patient & Niching
  • Q6: Did you get more clarity on who your ideal patient was, and the type of podiatry work you should be targeting?
  • Week 7: Pre-framing Conversations & Directing the Conversation - Selling without selling. 
  • Q7: Did this help with your communication?
  • Week 8-9: Developing your marketing strategy, creating a Yearly Marketing Plan(Roadmap) and  Developing a Daily, Weekly and Monthly Marketing Plan (GPS)
  • Q8: Prior to doing the 12-week reboot, did you have a 12-month roadmap for your marketing, or did you just play it by ear?
  • Weeks 9-12: Protecting & Developing Your Brand and improving your web presence/website.  
  • We also discussed understanding the important NUMBERS in your business that really matter, which lead to a concept called Punctuated Equilibrium.


If you've got this far, I’ll explain what is involved in the 12-Week Reboot:

  • 12 x 1-hour weekly Zoom Meetings: All meetings are recorded and uploaded to a private Facebook Group, so if for some reason you cannot make a scheduled meeting, you can catch up with the recording. 
  • Q9: Did anyone here miss a meeting?
  • Weekly Q & A session via Zoom 
  • Templates & Frameworks: As we work through each session, templates and frameworks will be uploaded to the FACEBOOK GROUP.
  • Q10: Did everyone find them useful?
  • Unlimited email questions during the 12-weeks program
  • Video tutorials are created for common group questions 

To wrap up, if someone has listened to this and they’re sitting on the fence what would be your advice be?

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot or join the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links.       


Check out this episode!

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Episode 116 - How First-Year Podiatry Graduates Think in 2020 (UNCUT)

On this episode, I am joined by first-year graduates from Australia, the UK and Malta. If you currently employ new graduates or are considering employing new graduates, I would pay special attention and listen to what these nine young podiatrists have to say.
Available from https://bit.ly/PodLegends116 or your favourite podcast platform.
You will be inspired and enlightened.
A big thank you goes out to Jack Eastwood (UK), Kevin Ho (AUS), Stephanie Bain (AUS), Blake Withers (AUS), Megan O'Sullivan (UK), Kainat Ahmed (UK), Eilidh Gardner (UK), Joe Sciortino (Malta) and Hassan Shukur (AUS) for giving up their time and openly sharing their thoughts on the following questions.
1. What have you enjoyed most so far as a new graduate?
2. Has Covid been a pain in the arse?
3. Was there any aspect of podiatry that you found more difficult or challenging than expected?
4. When you did your work experience, did you experience both good and badly run podiatry businesses?
5. Do you feel the university prepared you for the real world?
6. Is there any aspect of podiatry you think the university could have put more emphasis on?
7. Where do you see podiatry in the next five to ten years?

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, or the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links.       


Tuesday, 15 December 2020

116 - How First-Year Graduates Think in 2020

On this episode, I am joined by first-year graduates from  Australia, the UK and Malta. If you currently employ new graduates or are considering employing new graduates, I would pay special attention and listen to what these nine young podiatrists have to say. 

You will be inspired and enlightened. 

A big thank you goes out to Jack Eastwood (UK), Kevin Ho (AUS), Stephanie Bain (AUS), Blake Withers (AUS), Megan O'Sullivan (UK), Kainat Ahmed (UK), Eilidh Gardner (UK), Joe Sciortino (Malta) and Hassan Shuker (AUS) for giving up their time and openly sharing their thoughts on the following questions. 

  1. What have you enjoyed most so far as a new graduate?
  2. Has Covid been a pain in the arse?
  3. Was there any aspect of podiatry that you found more difficult or challenging than expected?
  4. When you did your work experience, did you experience both good and badly run podiatry businesses? 
  5. Do you feel the university prepared you for the real world?
  6. Is there any aspect of podiatry you think the university could have put more emphasis on?
  7. Where do you see podiatry in the next five to ten years?

In addition to the above questions, there was also some great banter around:

  • Valuing ourselves as clinicians 
  • Enjoying the scope of treatment podiatry provides
  • Offering the best treatment options
  • Focusing on the patient's feet, not their wallet 

Also, if you get the chance, check out StudentPodiatrist on Instagram. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, or the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links.       



Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Episode 115 - Dr Todd Brennan Business Partnerships UNCUT

Have you ever considered or been offered the opportunity to buy into an existing podiatry business and becoming a partner? If you have, it’s a huge decision, and there are many things to consider.

My guest, Dr Todd Brennan is a partner in Healthy Feet Podiatry in Tampa, Florida and his former business partner, Dr Leo Krawetz, who was also a guest on this podcast with Todd, Ep 021: YouTube Legends passed away unexpectedly in August of this year at the age of 53.

Leo’s sudden passing is what promoted this particular episode. Not only did I want to pay tribute to the great man, often referred to as the man with the largest smile in the world, but I think Leo’s passing highlighted an area in business partnerships that is often overlooked, the health status of your potential partner.

More often than not, the person buying into an existing podiatry business will be younger than the current owner or owners; therefore, the health status of all partners is an important factor. What happens if…?

On this episode, Todd and I discuss:

  • What to look for to make sure it is a good partnership?
  • The health of your future partner?
  • Things to consider before going into a partnership?
  • Defining specific roles and decision making.
  • What to look for when buying into a practice.
  • The importance of steady growth over sudden growth.
  • Why you must get along in the first instance.
  • Not sweating the small stuff.

Final Tip 

It’s okay to be a high paid associate, but if you want to be a business owner, you need to look at the big picture and be prepared to make certain concessions.

Whether you own 48% or 50% of the business is not as important as understanding the big picture of the partnership, it’s only a 2% difference.  

Todd was also on Ep 111 - The Foot Print Hunt with his wife, Leslie.

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, or the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links.       

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

115 - Dr Todd Brennan Business Partnerships

Have you ever considered or been offered the opportunity to buy into an existing podiatry business and becoming a partner? If you have, it’s a huge decision, and there are many things to consider.

My guest, Dr Todd Brennan is a partner in Healthy Feet Podiatry in Tampa, Florida and his former business partner, Dr Leo Krawetz, who was also a guest on this podcast with Todd, Ep 021: YouTube Legends passed away unexpectedly in August of this year at the age of 53.

Leo’s sudden passing is what promoted this particular episode. Not only did I want to pay tribute to the great man, often referred to as the man with the largest smile in the world, but I think Leo’s passing highlighted an area in business partnerships that is often overlooked, the health status of your potential partner.

More often than not, the person buying into an existing podiatry business will be younger than the current owner or owners; therefore, the health status of all partners is an important factor. What happens if…?

On this episode, Todd and I discuss:

  • What to look for to make sure it is a good partnership?
  • The health of your future partner?
  • Things to consider before going into a partnership?
  • Defining specific roles and decision making.
  • What to look for when buying into a practice.
  • The importance of steady growth over sudden growth.
  • Why you must get along in the first instance.
  • Not sweating the small stuff.

Final Tip 

It’s okay to be a high paid associate, but if you want to be a business owner, you need to look at the big picture and be prepared to make certain concessions.

Whether you own 48% or 50% of the business is not as important as understanding the big picture of the partnership, it’s only a 2% difference.  

Todd was also on Ep 111 - The Foot Print Hunt with his wife, Leslie.

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, or the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links.           

Check out this episode!

Monday, 7 December 2020

Episode 114 - Dr Rimi Statkus Australian Podiatrist Does DPM

Episode 114: Dr
Rimi Statkus
Australian Podiatrist Does DPM

Have you ever considered moving to the USA and doing the DPM program? If you have, it's not for the faint-hearted as my guest will explain.

Dr Rimi Statkus was an Australian Podiatrist who decided to pack up everything after 6 years of working and move to America to do the DPM program. This is a very interesting story.

If you missed these podcast you can download and listen from all podcast platforms:

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

114 - Dr Rimi Statkus Australian Podiatrist Does DPM

Have you ever considered moving to the USA and doing the DPM program? If you have, it's not for the faint-hearted as my guest will explain. 

Dr Rimi Statkus received his Bachelor of Podiatry in 2006 from La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Upon graduation, he moved to Hobart, Tasmania focusing on sports medicine and diabetic limb salvage.

He did this for over 6 years before deciding to move to the US to do the DPM program and advance his surgical skills.

In 2016, he completed his Podiatric Medical degree at Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona, before moving to Chicago to complete his surgical residency at Rush University Medical Center.

This is where he met Dr Patrick McEneaney, from Northern Illinois Foot & Ankle Specialists, who has also been a guest on this podcast three times:

Ep 108: You Cannot Manage 10 Clinics Yourself 

Ep 074: 8 Business Tips During COVID-19

Ep 048: Rapid Business Expansion

Final Tip

"Keep growing and be on a perpetual path of learning."

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, or the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links. 

 .           .              


Check out this episode!

Friday, 27 November 2020

Ep 113 - Dr Sami Tabib Podiatry in the United Arab Emirates UNCUT

Dr Sami Tabib is a podiatrist based in the Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. He obtained his DPM degree from the New York College of Podiatric Medicine, and he always had a goal to take his podiatric skills to the UAE, which he did 18 years ago. Sami is also the clinical director for the fit feet program at the Special Olympics in the UAE, and more recently he has been appointed assistant clinical professor at the University of Sharjah, College of Medicine. If you want to connect with Dr Sami Tabib, please visit his website https://dubaipodiatrist.com/ If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com. If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, please follow the link https://www.tysonfranklin.com/Coaching/REBOOT

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Ep 112 - Nicola O'Brian Diagnosing Lipoedema UNCUT

Nicola O'Brian is a UK based podiatrist who has suffered Lipoedema for most of her life and on this episode, she openly shares her painful story, which I feel we can all learn from. 

Nicola explains how to diagnose lipoedema, why it is often misdiagnosed and confused with lymphoedema and obesity, and the important role podiatrists can play in managing this condition. 

Nicole was also on Episode 105 - Cosmetic & Aesthetic Podiatry

Related Article: Dr Karen Herbst

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Nicola at nicolaobrian@loveyourfeet.co.uk.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, or the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook, please follow the links. 

Monday, 16 November 2020

Start Planning For 2021 NOW with Deb Johnstone

If you're one of those people that find it hard to get organised you're going to love this short 35-minute video with Deb Johnstone.
Deb has developed a unique planner to help get you organised and get the most out of your day, week, month and year, and after 2020 we all need to get more out of 2021.
Deb was my guest on the Podiatry Legends Podcast, Ep 089 - My Mindset Coach and if you want to connect with Deb or have any questions, please send them to success@debjohnstone.com.au
If you have any specific questions for me I can be contacted via email at tf@tysonfranklin.com and please keep an eye out for my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot

Friday, 13 November 2020

Episodes 106 & 107 World Student Episode

On this episode, I talk with a group of podiatry students from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The students studying podiatry right now are the future of our profession, so all of us need to understand how they think and how they view the profession they have chosen to become a part of. 

The full podcast recording is well over 90-minutes, so I decided to break it easier to digest by breaking it into parts one and two.

The questions I asked on part one are:

Q1: What areas of podiatry do you like most and why?

Q2: How important do you think social media is in podiatry?

If you're a current podiatry business owner and you're considering employing a new graduate, I think you'll find their answers very encouraging and also inspiring. 

My podiatry student guests include:

  • Sarah Cox - Charles Stuart University (AUS)
  • Josh McGill - La Trobe University (AUS)
  • Ektaa Vadgama - University of Northhampton (UK)
  • Emily Reaney - University of Huddersfield (UK)
  • Amarilys Montalvo - Barry University (USA)
  • Yona Mizrahi - California School of Podiatric Medicine (USA)
  • Diksha Mohapatra - California School of Podiatric Medicine (USA)

Also, Yona and Diksha are the hosts of a successful Instagram page @thedpmjourney and Youtube channel TheDPMJourney. And Ektaa also has a Youtube channel Ektaa Vadgama and I was also a guest on her show. The episode is titled the Tyson Franklin Interview.

If you have any questions about this podcast episode or you have ideas for future episodes, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

Episode 111 - Drs Todd & Leslie Brennan The Footprint Hunt

Drs Todd & Leslie Brennan are podiatrists in Florida, USA and they have written a children's book titled The Footprint Hunt. 

On this episode, we discuss the process they went through to write their first children's book, which I think will be one of many. We open the episode discussing how they met in Podiatry School, their romance and the progression of their podiatry careers.  

If you want to buy a copy of The Footprint Hunt, it is available on Amazon

Todd was also my guest on Episode 21: Youtube Legends. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com.

If you want to learn more about my next 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook or Sound Content and learn how to turn your basic blog articles into more exciting audio files, please click on the links. 

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Don't Be The Bossy Seagull (Instead be the focused podiatrist)

Have you ever feed chips to seagulls at the beach and noticed there's always that one loud, Bossy Seagull that spends more time chasing the other seagulls away from the chip that he rarely gets the chip himself? Learn from this and don't be the bossy seagull, instead be the focused podiatrist. Don't focus on what the other podiatrists in your area are doing, just focus on what you have to do. Stay focused on the goal...stay focused on the chip. When I owned my podiatry business in Cairns, there was one podiatrist that spent so much time focusing on what my business was doing instead of focusing on their own podiatry business. In the end, I flourished, and he floundered. Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach https://www.tysonfranklin.com/ 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot https://www.tysonfranklin.com/Coaching/REBOOT

Thursday, 5 November 2020

110 - Colin Power Be Curious, Don't Be A Dick

Colin Power is based in Harvey Bay, Queensland, Australia. After more than 30-years in the podiatry profession, he is still very curious, and he believes curiosity is far more important than passion.

He has had an amazing career both in and out of podiatry, and all this experience has given him a unique approach to how he now treats his patients. In addition to this, he needed to have open-heart surgery at 40-years of age, and this also gave him a new perspective on what is really important. 

Colin is a Queensland University of Technology graduate, and I had the great pleasure of getting to know Colin while I was a student back in 1985/86. 

"Podiatry gives you a life; podiatry doesn’t have to be your life". 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Difference between curiosity and passion
  • What it's like to burnout 
  • How to destroy a podiatry business
  • Why COVID will test a lot of current business models
  • It's not impossible to the good at both MSK and wound care.
  • Having an open heart operation at 40-years of age and how that affects your life.
  • Going into a tailspin of self-sabotage
  • The difference between a business owner and a freelancer
  • How podiatry can financially allow you to do other things outside of podiatry. 
  • Implementing Thai Chi into his podiatry business 

"If you don’t design your podiatry career, someone else will do it for you".

  • Possibility versus opportunity, there's a big difference. 
  • Taking a customisable approach to treating your patients. There's no one way to treat a patient.
  • Making podiatry fit your lifestyle
  • Being prepared for when shit happens because it's going to happen down the track
  • Knowing when to pivot and stop fighting 
  • Why you should make your adversary your best mentor, always ask yourself:
    • Why are they thinking a certain way?
    • How did they come to that conclusion?

Final Tip

Create value for your patients in every conversation, don't complain about your problems; that's being a dick. 

"If your wife left you and your dog died, write a country song, don't dump your problems on your patients". 

If you're not passionate about podiatry, it does not mean you’re a failure, as long as you stay curious. If you're feeling imposter syndrome you have two choices, you can choose to fix it, or you can decide to run with it and let it drive you to become better. 

If you have any questions after listening to this episode, please send me an email at tf@tysonfranklin.com 

Check out this episode!