Tuesday, 24 September 2019

040 - Dr Michael Graham is The Entrepreneurial Podiatrist

Have you ever had an idea that could change the Podiatry profession? Dr Michael Graham has had a lot of ideas, and instead of just sitting back and wondering 'what if', he has taken action and turned them into reality. He is a serial entrepreneur. 

He is an innovator and implementor in the field of foot and ankle medicine and surgery. He has taken a concept and transformed it into the standard of care globally.

Dr Graham is the founder of GraMedica and the inventor of the HyProCure Sinus Tarsi Stent. HyProCure®, an Extra-Osseous TaloTarsal Stabilization (EOTTS) Device.


GraMedica is a global orthopedic company specialising in foot and ankle products.

Michael Graham has published numerous scientific papers, authored chapters in surgical textbooks, and lectures throughout the world on extra-osseous talotarsal stabilisation and is the author of a new book titled, The Myths of Plantar Fasciitis

"No matter how good your orthotic is, it cannot Realign the talus and prevent all the STJ instability". 
If you want to learn more, attend an event or connect with Dr Michael Graham, here are his other website:

If you have any questions about the podcast episode, please send me an email at tf@tysonfranklin.com. If you want to know more about my upcoming Marketing Workshops in Australia and overseas, please visit my EVENTS page.  

And if you enjoy this podcast series, please tell your podiatry friends.

Thank you!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

039 - Tyson E Franklin INTERVIEWED by Scott Greenbank

Since starting this podcast, I've had a few podiatrists say they want to know more about me, THE HOST, and my response was, "There's not much to tell".   

One particular podiatrist, Scott Greenbank, Founder of the Bridge The Gap Facebook page wouldn't take NO for an answer, and this episode is the result. I hope this episode doesn't disappoint. 

Today we discuss:

  • Why I chose podiatry
  • What I've seen change over the past 30-years
  • Where I see the profession in the next five to ten years
  • How technology is changing the way we practice
  • Why corporates won't take over the profession
  • Podiatry Specialities 
  • The 'Power of Niching'
  • My biggest mistakes and challenges
  • The importance of insurance 
  • Power of Systems
  • Advice for new graduates
  • Why you need to look after your TEAM and trust them
  • MENTORSHIP - Best Tips for graduates and employers
  • Honouring contracts

If you have any questions about the podcast episode, please send me an email at tf@tysonfranklin.com. If you want to know more about my upcoming Marketing Workshops in Australia and overseas, please visit my EVENTS page.  

Thank you! 


Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

038 - Dr Tea Nguyen Life Changes & Practice Ownership

Dr Tea Nguyen owns Pacific Point Podiatry in Santa Cruz, California and has a special interest in diabetic limb salvage. She opened her solo practice in August 2018, which has a revived her love for podiatry.

She never planned on owning her own podiatry business, but after falling pregnant her employer didn't respond favourably to her needs, so after having her daughter Vylet she was given very little choice but to work for herself. 

'Having a child is not like having a pet. There's a lot more forward-thinking required". 

On this episode we discuss:
  • How she fell into her practice
  • Positive changes after having a child 
  • Her passion for diabetic foot care
  • Seeing a need and filling a gap in the market
  • Being an anti-micromanager: you've got to let people make decisions and learn from their errors. 

"What do you want to learn? If it does not come to you, you need to go and search for the information yourself". 

BIGGEST surprise having own business
Tea was surprised by how much she enjoys having her own practice and how happy it has made her. As an employee, she struggled to get out of bed in the morning, but as a business owner, this is no longer the case. 
"I only know what I know and I don’t know what I don’t know, so I never have a problem telling a patient to get a second opinion". 
Final Tip
If you’re in a situation that is not in your favour, you’ll find renewed purpose by opening your own business. 
If Drtea_podiatry


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

037 - Dr Howard Dananberg Pronation Paradigm Shift

Dr Howard Dananberg practised in Manchester, New Hampshire until 2012 when he retired. He has received numerous awards for his work on sagittal plane biomechanics, and he redefined how we viewed pronation. 

Throughout his career, Dr Dananberg never stopped questioning what he saw with his patients and through his own funded research, he developed the Kinetic Wedge used by Brooks Footwear, and also the VASYLI Dananberg orthotics. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • The early ’80s and in-shoe pressure analysis and how it made him start questioning the status quo and what we believed to be right on podiatric biomechanics 
  • Private practice and funding his research 
  • The moment he started realising that headaches and back pain may be related to gait. "I don’t think anyone is thinking about this". 
  • How the FF drives the RF
  • Metatarsus Limitus, not Hallux Limitus 
  • Pronation Paradyime shift
  • Problems with traditional orthotic design
  • His new company - www.insolia.com
  • Walking is about pulling, not pushing. The body is pulled forward; therefore, the term 'propulsion phase' is wrong. 
  • Saggital Plane Motion. If you only watch someone walk down a hallway, you miss so much. 



Final Tip (38:40 - 39)

When you say 'aha' I’ve got it, you’ve just shut your mind off to all the other possibilities that might exist down the road.

But if you say 'oooh', that's one way, you’ve opened your mind up to the many other possibilities and things to be discovered over time. 

If you have any questions about this podcast episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.com, or you can connect with Dr Howard Danaberg at hdananberg@gmail.com 

One-On-One Coaching

If your podiatry business needs help to develop a marketing plan or business systems, the most efficient way to do this is with one-on-one business coaching. Please email me and let's see where I can you.  

Subscribe To My Newsletter

If you'd like to be kept up to date with my EVENTS, please sign up to my NEWSLETTER. I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

It's No Secret with Dr T. Podcast

If you like marketing and small business, please take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T., and you may also enjoy Episode 022 with Psychologist Dr David Weiman 

Order My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website or online, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I post additional small business tips, information regarding podiatry events and conferences around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

Tell Your Podiatry Friends

If you enjoy listening to Podiatry Legends, please tell all your podiatry friends, and please feel free to leave a REVIEW on iTunes, or wherever you like to listen to podcasts. 

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:

004 - Simon Bartold Developing A Career in Biomechanics & Footwear

Dr Dananberg's Current Speaking Gigs

Dr Dananberg will be speaking at the AAPSM in Cambridge, Mass in September. The New York College of Podiatric Medicine for the Richard O. Schuster Memorial Seminar in early November, and the World Congress of Podiatry in Miami in mid-November.

Check out this episode!