Wednesday, 29 May 2019

023 - Tina Rainville Extremes & Efficiency

My guest today is Tina Rainville from Ontario, Canada, and on this episode, we talk about living and working in remote Northern Ontario. The weather conditions can be extremely harsh during winter, sometimes dropping to minus fifty degrees Celsius (-58 F), which is hard to imagine. 

Living in such a remote area, where many patients of her patients are travelling hours to receive treatment, has taught Tina the benefits of running an efficient clinic. She currently owns and operates Rainville Health with her husband Patrick who is also a Podiatrist. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Why Chiropody is used in Ontario and not Podiatry.
  • Common foot problems seen in cold climates
  • Foot injuries related to ice-skating, snow shovelling, kicking ice and designing orthotics for Ice Hockey 
  • Outreach Diabetic Clinics
  • Why treatment must be made convenient for your patients 
  • The benefits of running an efficient clinic. 


The 5-Level Treatment System is one of the best treatment systems/ideas I have heard of in years. Patients feet are giving a ranking from one to five, and this ranking system helps determine their fees they, and who should provide the treatment. 

For example, patients scoring four or five will be treated by the podiatrist, whereas the Footcare Nurse may treat patients with a one to three scores. 

Patients are rewarded for looking after their feet, and this is an excellent motivator for long-term patient compliance and better foot health. 

Parting Advice

Be the Podiatrist in your clinic and stop doing everything else. Delegate all the tasks you should not be doing. By maximising your efficiency, you can see more clients, and this also empowers your team. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at 

WORKSHOP - Biomechanics & Marketing: Profit From A Better Understanding. Gold Coast 7-8 June BOOK NOW

Every successful podiatrist has an excellent foundation in biomechanics, it's that simple, and this two-day workshop is going to be jam-packed with useful biomechanical information you can apply immediately in your business and with your patients.  

In addition to having excellent biomechanical skills, it's equally important to know how to market these skills. You can have the most advanced biomechanical equipment and have acquired biomechanical skills far beyond any of your competitors, but without a well thought out marketing strategy, it will, unfortunately, go unnoticed.

This is why we're bringing Biomechanics and Marketing together in one 2-Day Workshop. 

If you enjoyed this episode you may also enjoy:

016 - Kristi Boles Allied Wellness & Fundamentals of Healing 

Podcast Reviews

If you enjoyed this podcast, it would put a big smile on my face if you left a review on iTunes or your favourite podcast platform.  

Most Recent Review

Amazing For Students Studying
☆☆☆☆☆ Great podcast, I was told by my lecturer at La Trobe about this podcast as we were discussing my future study after my Masters of podiatry and future study as a podiatric surgeon and this podcast has made me excited for the creativity and experience I will get and different options as a podiatrist. Thank you!
Pi Diddy via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 05/21/19

Check out this episode!

Friday, 24 May 2019

BONUS Episode: Day 3 Australian Podiatry Conference Adelaide

BONUS EPISODE: Day 3 at the Australian Podiatry Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 22-24 May 2019. This episode has been recorded LIVE from the exhibitor's hall.  

Day 3 Guests:

  • Andrew Van Essen (Prospect Podiatry, Adelaide)
  • Ainslie Davies (Buderim Podiatry, Sunshine Coast & APodA Vice President)
  • Andrew Robertson (Ziera Shoes)
  • Darren Stewart (CEO Healthia, My Foot Dr)

If you have any questions about today's episode please send me an email at, and if you have the time, please check out my EVENTS page at as I am running a two-day Biomechanics & Marketing Workshop on the Gold Coast (7-8 June) with Paul Graham and Scott Sorensen.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, 23 May 2019

BONUS: Day 2 Australian Podiatry Conference Adelaide

BONUS EPISODE: Day 2 at the Australian Podiatry Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 22-24 May 2019. 

This episode has been recorded LIVE from the exhibitor's hall, which is why you will notice a buzz of activity and excitement in the background, and if you happen to be at the conference, please drop in a say hello. You'll find the Podiatry Legends Podcast recording desk in Booth C5. 

I have been joined on Day 2 by:

If you have any questions about today's episode please send me an email at, and if you have the time, please check out my EVENTS page at as I am running a two-day Biomechanics & Marketing Workshop on the Gold Coast (7-8 June) with Paul Graham and Scott Sorensen. 

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

BONUS: Day 1 Australian Podiatry Conference Adelaide

BONUS episode: Day 1 at the Australian Podiatry Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 22-24 May 2019. 

This episode has been recorded LIVE from the exhibitor's hall, which is why you will notice a buzz of activity and excitement in the background. 

I have been joined on Day 1 by:

If you have any questions about today's episode please send me an email at, and if you have the time, please check out my EVENTS page at as I am running a two-day Biomechanics & Marketing Workshop on the Gold Coast (7-8 June) with Paul Graham and Scott Sorensen. 

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

022 - Jackson Tisdell New Grad Tips From A New Grad

Where will the podiatry profession be in the next 10 or 20 years? That's an interesting question, and to give you some insight my guest today is Jackson Tisdell, a 2017 University of Newcastle graduate.
Jackson currently works at Forster Tuncurry Sorts Podiatry, NSW, which is a biomechanics exclusive podiatry clinic, and he openly shares his thoughts and experiences in the profession so far. 
On this episode we discuss:
  • How the profession has exceeded his expectations
  • The benefits of good mentorship
  • Why he didn't search for full-time immediately upon graduation
  • The benefits of waiting to find the right employer
  • Being prepared to work for less to gain experience
  • Finding you WHY and what inspires you
  • Being on a path of constant learning
  • New graduates are going to make mistakes, and why they should be allowed to, it's part of the education process
  • Social Media
  • Blogging and documenting 
  • Being part of the employers brand, not just an employee
  • Using the title DR
  • Why new graduates need to have a voice
  • Treatment protocols and making decisions 
  • Being patient centred with your treatment and how it relates to the patient's goals
  • The importance of follow up

Jackon is currently preparing a presentation called New Grad Tips From A New Grad, which he hopes to present in universities around Australia, and if you want to reach out to Jackon he can be contacted at

Parting Comments
Always keep learning. There’s no rush to know everything. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at 

WORKSHOP - Biomechanics & Marketing: Profit From A Better Understanding. Gold Coast 7-8 June BOOK NOW

Every successful podiatrist has an excellent foundation in biomechanics, it's that simple, and this two-day workshop is going to be jam-packed with useful biomechanical information you can apply immediately in your business and with your patients.  

In addition to having excellent biomechanical skills, it's equally important to know how to market these skills. You can have the most advanced biomechanical equipment and have acquired biomechanical skills far beyond any of your competitors, but without a well thought out marketing strategy, it will, unfortunately, go unnoticed.

This is why we're bringing Biomechanics and Marketing together in one 2-Day Workshop. 

If you enjoyed this episode you may also enjoy:

018 - Scott Sorensen Biomechanics, Pressure Platforms & Milling Orthotics

Podcast Reviews

If you enjoyed this podcast, it would put a big smile on my face if you left a review on iTunes or your favourite podcast platform.  

Most Recent Review

GREAT PODCAST: ☆☆☆☆☆ I'm really enjoying this podcast. Tyson Franklin is an excellent host and brings humour to the show. He does a great job of steering the conversation to get the most out of his guests. The podcast certainly sets out what it hopes to achieve, which is informing podiatrist around the world what great and innovative things other podiatrists are doing. I'd highly recommend this to any podiatrist.” Benn Boshell via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 05/02/19 

Check out this episode!

Monday, 13 May 2019

021 - Drs Todd Brennan & Leo Krawetz Are YouTube Legends

We've all heard that using video is a great way to market your podiatry business and my guests today, Dr Todd Brennan and Dr Leo Krawetz from Healthy Feet Podiatry in Florida have taken it to a whole new level. At the time of recording this podcast episode, their YouTube Channel had just over 125,000 Subscribers (It's currently at 140,000). 

They began using video in 2009 because they were told video was going to be a valuable marketing tool in the future for podiatry. They admit their early videos were not very good, but they continued anyway.

100 to 3,000,000

That first video had approximately 100 views, and at the time they thought that was amazing. Today, it's not uncommon to get 40,000 views in the first week, and one of their videos has had over 13,000,000 (thirteen million) views. 

After starting their YouTube account, they only did three or four videos in that first year. 

Video Went Viral

Eventually one of their videos about removing a wart went viral (six million views), and they thought WOW, what a great marketing tool for their podiatry business. Currently, their videos generate approximately 200,000 views per day.

Keep The Recording Process Simple 

All their videos are shot using their iPhones. There's no flashy equipment or lighting. When they see something interesting, and after getting the patients consent, they give their assistant a couple of quick instructions on what information they want to focus on, and they record.

At present they record and post between two to four videos per week and they do all the editing themselves.


Important Tips For YouTube

  1. Good thumbnail image
  2. Catchy title
  3. Use keywords in title and description
  4. Watermark your videos (add logo) 

It's all about repetition and be prepared to shoot a lot of videos. Using video is also a great teaching opportunity, and it makes your workday fun. 

Putting Bums On Seats

"YES. Every day patients will come in and say they've seen our videos or will tell us that they have something interesting that may be worth videoing". 

Currently, they see 500 new patients every month, and every day a proportion of their new patients will say they have seen their videos. It's important to realise that Google owns YouTube, so it is important to utilise both because this is where patients are searching for answers. 

Social media marketing is continually changing so you need to keep track of what is happening and where is your audience is spending time. 

Final Tips

  1. (Todd): Jump in and start using video. You will feel awkward, but it gets more comfortable with time. 
  2. (Leo): Be consistent with your videos. You've got to go all in. 

"What you think is boring will be interesting to others".

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.comor you can connect with Drs Todd Brennan & Leo Krawetz at Healthy Feet Podiatry

WORKSHOP - Biomechanics & Business: Profit From A Better Understanding. Gold Coast 7-8 June BOOK NOW

Every successful podiatrist has an excellent foundation in biomechanics, it's that simple, and this two-day workshop is going to be jam-packed with useful biomechanical information you can apply immediately in your business and with your patients.  

In addition to having excellent biomechanical skills, it's equally important to know how to market these skills. You can have the most advanced biomechanical equipment and have acquired biomechanical skills far beyond any of your competitors, but without a well thought out marketing strategy, it will, unfortunately, go unnoticed.

This is why we're bringing Biomechanics and Business together in one 2-Day Workshop. 

If you enjoyed this episode you may also enjoy:

Ep 013 - Dianne Ashcroft Lessons Learnt From 300+ Videos

Podcast Reviews

If you enjoyed this podcast, it would put a big smile on my face if you left a review on iTunes or your favourite podcast platform.  

Most Recent Review

GREAT PODCAST: ☆☆☆☆☆ I'm really enjoying this podcast. Tyson Franklin is an excellent host and brings humour to the show. He does a great job of steering the conversation to get the most out of his guests. The podcast certainly sets out what it hopes to achieve, which is informing podiatrist around the world what great and innovative things other podiatrists are doing. I'd highly recommend this to any podiatrist.” Benn Boshell via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 05/02/19 

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

020 - Jill Woods Practice Momentum

Life should make you happy, and that includes your podiatry business. This is the motto of Jill Woods, the owner of Practice Momentum, and I was fortunate enough to catch up with Jill, in person, on a recent visit to Canberra. 

Jill Woods was a UK based podiatrist, and after marrying her husband, who was in the military, she realised the possibility of owning a traditional bricks and mortar podiatry business was no longer an option because they were never sure where they'd be posted next.  

Some people would look at this as a massive roadblock to their podiatry career, but Jill has used it to pivot into a whole new career of helping other podiatrists and other professionals in the health industry. 

On this episode we discuss: 

  • Why mature-aged students studying podiatry brings such diversity and experience to the profession. 
  • Her marketing and entrepreneurial background before to starting Practice Momentum.
  • Learning new skills out of necessity. Jill was an early adopter of Twitter and YouTube way back in 2006. 
  • What she learned living in Pakistan.
  • The benefits of focusing on one new skill at a time. You don't need to become an expert. 
  • The power of niching down her coaching focus. 
  • Social Media 
  • What is Practice Momentum? 
  • The Sombrero Club - An Online Community Group.
  • Helping podiatrists develop a happy practice. Adding a little bit of "Woodsiness". 





"Marketing is so ethical because you have the skills people need. You're transforming lives and giving them back a quality of life".

  • Selling is helping
  • The power of the ripple effect. The impact we can have on people's lives.
  • Why it's important to bring in your personality to your practice and to be uniquely you.
  • Being authentic - Be you and run your business as you. 
  • Be happy in your business. You owe it to yourself

"Make the practice part of you to create an authentic culture in your business".

The Dream Patient 

When you know your ideal patient, the dream patient, you need to target all your marketing to that one patient.

Your blog articles, website design and colours, the photos you use all need to have your dream patient in mind. If you target them, you will attract your dream patient.

Monday Morning Marketing Tip

Claim your Google My Business page and claim your Bing Places page and add engaging content on those two places.

Why BING? Bing uses Amazon's Alexa, so if you do not claim your business places page on BING, Alexa will not recommend you. 

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.comor you can connect with Jill Woods  at 

WORKSHOP - Biomechanics & Business: Profit From A Better Understanding. Gold Coast 7-8 June BOOK NOW

Every successful podiatrist has an excellent foundation in biomechanics, it's that simple, and this two-day workshop is going to be jam-packed with useful biomechanical information you can apply immediately in your business and with your patients.  

In addition to having excellent biomechanical skills, it's equally important to know how to market these skills. You can have the most advanced biomechanical equipment and have acquired biomechanical skills far beyond any of your competitors, but without a well thought out marketing strategy, it will, unfortunately, go unnoticed.

This is why we're bringing Biomechanics and Business together in one 2-Day Workshop. 

If you enjoyed this episode you may also enjoy:

Ep 013 - Dianne Ashcroft Lessons Learnt From 300+ Videos

Podcast Reviews

If you enjoyed this podcast, it would put a big smile on my face if you left a review on iTunes or your favourite podcast platform.  

Most Recent Review

GREAT PODCAST: ☆☆☆☆☆ I'm really enjoying this podcast. Tyson Franklin is an excellent host and brings humour to the show. He does a great job of steering the conversation to get the most out of his guests. The podcast certainly sets out what it hopes to achieve, which is informing podiatrist around the world what great and innovative things other podiatrists are doing. I'd highly recommend this to any podiatrist.” Benn Boshell via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 05/02/19

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

019 - Dr Paul Butterworth Education & Creativity In Podiatry

Dr Paul Butterworth is a Podiatric Surgeon and the Course Coordinator for the School of Podiatry at Southern Cross University, Gold Coast Campus, and we both agree that podiatrists are creative people. 

All you need to do is stop once in a while, look around, and take notice of some the fantastic things podiatrists are doing in our profession. 

On this episode we discuss:

  • Why lecturing is rewarding.
  • The creative side of podiatry.
  • Educating students to think outside the box.

"We have rules we must follow, but it doesn't mean you cannot be creative". 

  • The enjoyment of writing papers.
  • His PhD - Obesity & Foot Pain.

"Podiatry is about keeping people mobile".

  • There's a lot of financial security in Podiatry
  • The importance of taking responsibility to educate yourself. 
  • SCU - Transition To Professional Practice and Small Business & Entrepreneurship education units. 
  • PIVOT - Paul has become a Novelist and the reason he wants to pursue a writing career. 

"It's important to keep your goal in mind and not give up".

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.comor you can connect with Dr Paul Butterworth via the Southern Cross University, Gold Coast Campus website.  

WORKSHOP - Biomechanics & Business: Profit From A Better Understanding. Gold Coast 7-8 June BOOK NOW

Every successful podiatrist has an excellent foundation in biomechanics, it's that simple, and this two-day workshop is going to be jam-packed with useful biomechanical information you can apply immediately in your business and with your patients.  

In addition to having excellent biomechanical skills, it's equally important to know how to market these skills. You can have the most advanced biomechanical equipment and have acquired biomechanical skills far beyond any of your competitors, but without a well thought out marketing strategy, it will, unfortunately, go unnoticed.

This is why we're bringing Biomechanics and Business together in one 2-Day Workshop. 

Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I will be posting additional small business tips and information regarding podiatry events around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page

If you'd like more marketing, management and business advice for your podiatry business you should take a look at my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T.

If you enjoyed this episode you might also enjoy:  

Ep 004: Simon Bartold Developing A Career In Biomechanics & Footwear 

Ep 003: Peter Wishnie Discusses Goals & Practice Management 

Check out this episode!