I disagree...it's not their budget that is limiting their growth options, it's their thinking which is stunting their business growth.
Yes, it costs money if you want to advertise on the radio, on TV, in the newspaper or in a local magazine publication, however it costs you nothing but time if you organise and provide an inservice talk about your profession and business to other health providers.
In my book, It's No Secret, There's Money In Podiatry I discuss my Six Marketing Pillars, which are:
- Professional Referrers
- Non-professional Referrers
- Internal Marketing
- External Marketing
- Verbal Marketing
- Web-Based Marketing
No one marketing pillar is more important than another and they all need to be developed over time, otherwise you will end up very lop sided, however some marketing pillars are more expensive to implement and some are very cheap.
Providing inservice talks comes under pillar number 5 - Verbal Marketing and most verbal marketing is cheap, however if you're not comfortable talking in front of people you will find this pillar difficult to build and develop.
But if you're serious about having a successful business, you need to get over your fear, or you need to employ someone else who can take on this role. Every successful business needs a spokes person and if you're not it...then find someone who is.
In my Six Pillars Of Marketing Workshop I dig into inservice talks in a lot more detail because it's such an important aspect of the Verbal Marketing Pillar and your long-term business success.
If you've got a fear of public speaking and cannot do the inservice talk yourself, find someone else in your business who will...and then sit back and watch the positive impact it has on your business. If you work by yourself and can't find someone else to do the inservice talk for you...you'll have to sit back and watch your competition grow instead.
Tyson E. Franklin - Speaker | Mentor | Author
P.S. If you truly have a fear of public speaking, send me an email and lets discuss it further. I went through Primary School, High School and University without ever giving a public presentation, so when it comes to the fear of public speaking...I GET IT.