Often mastermind groups start out with the best intentions, the bringing together of collective-minds for a specific purpose and goal, but over time the group degrades and becomes more of a social networking get together, and the original intentions of the mastermind group are lost.
When you first joined your Mastermind Group, what were you hoping to achieve?
Most people will go into a mastermind group with definite intentions, and that's to lift their game, because when left alone, without accountability, they can become complacent, however if familiarity occurs within your mastermind group and you're not constantly be pushed, or being made accountable, the same complacency will occur, resulting in little growth.
If this has happened to you and it's a non-paid mastermind group, and everyone in the group is aware that the group dynamics have changed, then that's okay, as long as you're all on the same page, however if this is a paid mastermind group, it's not good enough, and it may be time to leave and find another group.
Are Friendships Costing You Money?
If you're paying money every month to be part of a mastermind group, and there's little business growth, then you're wasting your money. I've had people tell me that they stay part of a particular mastermind group because of the friendships they've made, and this is the only reason they stay.
Honestly, if your friendships are real, and you leave your mastermind group, your friendships will remain, and you may find some of your friends may follow you, because they may have been staying for the exact same reason.
Group Dynamics
I've seen people join paid mastermind groups and the group dynamics are completely wrong, and the owners of the company behind the mastermind group are simply throwing people together to make up numbers. Placing a business person with 15 years experience, performing at quite a high level, into a mastermind group with another business person unsure if they need a business card, does not make sense.
For a Mastermind Group to be effective, everyone within the group should have a similar level of business acumen, however if it's a paid mastermind group you have to be very careful that the owners of the company organising the mastermind group have your best interests in mind, and not theirs.
Find A New Mastermind Group And Get A Mentor / Coach
Please don't think that I'm against mastermind groups, in fact it's the exact opposite. I think they're a business necessity, however they must be serving you and pushing your business in a positive direction, and if not, you need to find another group.
In addition to being part of a mastermind group, you should also consider having a business mentor or business coach, because this is really the only way to develop true one-on-one accountability.
Tyson E. Franklin - Author | Mentor | Speaker
Born with Entrepreneurial DNA
tysonfranklin.com http://www.tysonfranklin.com/