Thursday, 21 May 2015

Podiatry Workshop: How To Create A Massive Web Presence

I was listening to a recent webinar and I was surprised to learn that many podiatrist are still not embracing what's on offer on the web. When I wrote my book, "It's No Secret, There's Money In Podiatry", I knew the numbers were low in Cairns, but this pattern appears to be through our whole profession. 

I've overheard podiatrists say, "I'm not into all that internet, googling, blogging, online-social rubbish", which is fair enough to say, but is it really the truth, or is it an excuse due to lack of knowledge and confidence for change? I think it is the latter. 

If you truly understood the power on the internet and all it has to offer, for free, you won't jump all over it. Ignorance can be bliss, but it can also make you look really silly in certain circles. 

If you're slightly afraid, or confused by the whole online-social world, you're not alone, because it can be very confusing, which is why i have got together with a really good friend of mine, Nicky Jurd, and have put together this full-day workshop.  

By the time you leave, you'll have a better understanding of what makes a website really good, and what makes it really bad. Plus we'll discuss, Facebook, Google and Google Analytics, Adwords, blogging, Pinterest, Twitter and anything else that could or should be online. 

We will also show you how you can tie it into all your traditional forms of advertising, because they are not all dead. Book now for Brisbane and Sydney before it sells out, by visiting the EVENTS section of my website.